Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Shut Up and Pay Attention....Liberals are the Enemy of Black People

A common behavior among Blacks in general is to watch out for the quiet person that enters the room. At a party, nightclub or social gathering, nobody is worried about the person in the room that is boastful or loud mouthing at every opportunity but suspicious of the person who walks in the room and just observe. They will prejudge that person as sneaky and sometimes mistake that person as shy. He or she is only considered cool when they make a move or speak in pure confidence.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Hollywood Perversion Exposed

In this blog post I am going to tell you that you won't believe your eyes. For those of you with a moral compass this is coming with an advisory warning. However, the only time you should question your eyes is when you're in the company of a magician. I am not anything of the kind. I'm a blogger. The only time someone should give you an advisory warning before viewing something is when it is totally against normal moral codes. Well this is and it is not for entertainment means.

Before looking at the video that I am posting I am going to tell you that pedophilia was something that Hollywood never kept hidden. It was always in plain view but you must realize one thing. Whenever you're dealing with a cowardly and sick minded individual they must observe how far that they can push you. It's like if your kid comes home from school and tells you about his encounters with a bully, that bully didn't randomly sock your kid in the nose or all of a sudden started demanding compensation for a peace of mind. He studied your child and knew what weaknesses to exploit.

Just like now where Hollywood knows what weaknesses of yours to exploit. This recent news of Kevin Spacey is kind of old and and for those of you who are in the know are aware of the perversions of Hollywood. We don't need Alex Jackass Jones to give you the facts when the facts are before you.

How many of you parents bought your kids Teletubbies? They were very popular back in the late nineties, early two thousands. Christian groups attacked them but for the wrong reasons. The sleight of hand that was given to the American Public then was simply another group of people bitching about something so innocent and pure.

For this episode alone not only should the Teletubbies should've been taken off of the air but also someone's ass should've been kicked!

What I am about to show you isn't innocent and far from pure. As a matter of fact most of you parents out there that don't believe in corporal punishment might be all for it after you see what is shown in this video. What I want to know after I show you this video is where were the parents when their kids were being sexually exploited in this episode.

I don't know about most of you but if this kind of dance was being done at my house then it wouldn't have been anything to have been praised and someone would've been hit with something heavy, hard and repeatedly. I put this episode up to it's entirety so you can actually see that this isn't something that has been spliced or edited. What I am about to show you actually was a real Teletubbies episode shown on Public Access TV with no parental advisory warnings. If some of you are as ignorant to say that this is innocent and all in fun then ask yourself the question, "Would you allow kids this age to do this if you were chaperoning an event for your school or church event? If not then why?"

7:55 into this video you be the judge.


Sunday, October 15, 2017

No Reason to Dislike You...They Just Dislike You!

Have any one of my readers ever heard someone say something as dumb after a crime is committed by a Black Person or whenever there is someone misbehaving in public, "Damn, they had to be Black." This is mostly said by Black People believe it or not. Whenever a Black Person does something stupid, there are a lot of us Black People scolding them either verbally or mentally to ourselves on making us as a race look bad.

So here is my question after taking the red pill...'Who are the fuck are we trying to look good for?' If some White Man walking into Wal-Mart looking like Joe Dirt's inbred kinfolk not the representation of the entire White Race then some Black Man wearing his pants saggy, playing his music at an annoying level of volume should not be the representation of all Black People. 

If mass shooters (and we have many of them in the media), White Supremacist hate groups and meth dealers do not make the White race look bad in it's entirety then thugs, gangbangers and drug dealers shouldn't represent the Black Race as an entirety. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Tiffany Jolene...Bitch Get Your Mind Right

I usually don't cover celebrity gossip but this article was sent to me about this social media celebrity (Can't believe I live in a day and time where there is a such thing) who had gone viral by making a Facebook rant on the Black Men that approach her in her inbox seeking affection.

What really surprised me were all of the "Amens" that she was getting from Black Women. More disturbing is the attention that this had gathered simply because it came from a White Woman. Black Women who fuels her White Supremacy with the "Amens" and the "I heard dat" bullshit are so bitter that they've sucked her dick, licked her semen off of the shaft, swallowed it as if it was a water fountain in the middle of the desert and thanked her for it afterwards and if you read on I will tell you why.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

NFL = Negro Field Lackeys

It seems that the racial tension in America has risen to new heights and has targeted the modern day American past time which is football. As you can read on my previous blog post and check the date on it, I'm surprised that the people of this country has actually taken it there when it should've been taken there a long time ago.

In America none of us especially Black People have time nor the energy to invest in some ballgame. It is downright infuriating to hear so many Black People put so much emphasis on something as simple as a ballgame while their families are being torn apart by systematic racial prejudice, drugs being pushed into and in their communities, their youths are primed as candidates for low skilled labor on the workforce or military, their women are being disrespected on a commercial level while their offspring is being murdered like dogs in the street. 

With that being said, it is even more infuriating to see these field bucks paraded with confetti and looked upon as heroes as if they've single-handedly defeated an invading force, cured cancer or rescued a child's cat from a tree when the only thing they've done was either kicked a ball, threw a ball or ran with a ball. 

Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Old Slave of a New Plantation

Let’s get one thing clear…We never were freed from slavery. We just became conditioned to become better slaves. As the social norms of the world changed, this country’s politics had to change with them. So it had to master it’s methods all the while masking it’s attacks while re-writing history to work in their favor being that a slave never researches…just regurgitates what he’s told and patted on the head while being labeled a scholar for regurgitating the false information in clarity.

Our slave names are etched into whatever existence we may have in America from our last names right down to our learned behaviors.

A good slave will never admit that he’s in bondage, he only seeks favor of his master. A slave must be broken psychologically to be obedient physically. So while these Black leaders are talking reparations for the slaves financially, I’m still wondering what kind of curing happened psychologically for this race of people to co-exist in a society that didn’t undergo four hundred years of psychological breaking.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Fuck Eminem and Modern Rap Music

This is a subject that I approach with oven mittens and handle carefully simply because there are a lot of People like Me who feel this way but yet lack the articulation to bring it about to be legitimately understandable. Hip Hop as we know it is dead. It has been dead since Eminem emerged and was forced down our throats as the best rapper.

I will admit that Eminem is very talented and bring to the stage that lewd attitude that has ingrained itself in the music as an image. His most advantageous asset besides his skin color is the fact that his music content told stories that the main supporters of hip hop could relate to....rebellion, family dysfunction, marital problems and psychotic frames of mind that evolve around it all.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Black in America...Not Black American

For as long as I can remember, White conspiracy theorists were always in fear of the New World Order that would be delivered by the Illuminati to bring about an Orwellian type of dictatorship. Such an environment would deprive one of their 'Constitutional Rights' by denying Civil Liberties in a population that is enslaved. In this new society there would be misery and little to no justice. In recent years these predictions have came to past which spiked the numbers of gun sales to an all time high.

The nightmare that Whites fear to live under their government one day is the same one that Blacks are living in now. Oh yeah, that's right...we're all free and equal now, right? Sisters can work in middle management positions on the job site, Brothers can date and marry White females and even move into gated communities now. Then why is it that the murders of Black Men by Police officers go unpunished?

It's bad enough that we fear each other in a time where we need each other but in this society we also have to fear authoritarian figures that devalue our lives as a whole. The media has already drawn that line of what the Western White World's perception is of You. Let's take a closer look at it.

The person on the left never have to compete with the person on the right. They are both White but psychologically you can see where they are not the same. The person on the left never has to get on a soap box and tell the world how they are so much different than the person on the right. In your minds, Black or White you can tell the difference between these two. When it comes down to self-identity the person on the right can be the person on the left by simply changing his zip code, getting an education ,seeing a dentist and changing his inner circle.

Now when looking at these two, its the same. The person on the left have to continue to strive to not appear in the eyes of Whites with psychological induced cognitive dissonance to appear as the one on the right. He has to change his speech, dress, inner circle and even most times express his disdain for the person on the right. Both of these people can drive a luxury vehicle and get the same racial profiling by police officers. Car doors still click for the both of them by Whites that are afraid of Blacks. If the person on the left makes any achievement then he's looked at as the first Black person to do so as if that is such a fucking amazing thing when he's human...the amazement shouldn't be from his color but simply his ability to overcome the bullshit that is in front of him when dealing with a tyrannical history in America where the odds were against him before he sat down to play.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Setting the Scales on Interracial Dating

I’ve listened to several theories growing up on why bi-racial dating is wrong. The oldest theory that I can remember is that if the good Lord meant for us to be the same then he would’ve made us the same. With a few anatomical differences science tells us that we are somewhat all the same. It’s only by society and culture that tells us that we are different. Most times those differences that either promotes or discourages biracial dating are societal, superficial, fetish or hate driven.

As a child of the seventies and raised in the eighties and early nineties I remember a time when biracial dating was a societal taboo. The television and newspaper tabloids shoved down our throats of what was aesthetics and success looked like. TV advertisements for toys, luxurious cars, video games, foods and fashion all reflected White faces. Where reality further promoted this illusion is when I attended school and would see the White kids playing with their high dollar Tranformer toys and dressed like that image on the television advertisements and stepping out of their late model vehicles in front of the schoolhouse. Most Black kids at that time was stepping off of the bus. Where there were a few White faces on the bus, they were overlooked being that our eyes were only trained to see with envy the White kids that were mainly in autos.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Behind Enemy Lines

I once laughed and took it lighter than a grain of salt when I saw the movie “Higher Learning” shortly after graduating high school in a scene where Ice Cube’s character stated, “This is a war and we are behind enemy lines.” That statement alone for most would seem to be a bit extreme and met with ridicule. Let’s first examine how true this statement is and what extremes would motivate such a statement by defining what is an act of war.

In any war fought throughout history it was always considered an act of duty when the taking of a life occurred on the battlefield but in any other arena was considered murder and punishable by law. Florida’s “Stand Your Ground Law” somehow applied to the release of a civilian MAN who picked a fight with an unarmed CHILD who ended up dead as a result. For the fact that we live in a so called free society where people defended George Zimmerman is only evident that in their eyes, “Black Lives don’t Matter.”

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Elderly Florida Woman Tossed in Pool was not a Hate Crime

Recently I seen where a Florida Teen tossed an elderly woman into a swimming pool during a party where Black teens were gathered. The video went viral and just like any viral video there is always a plethora of comments leading from extreme racism from the White side and house-nigger apologetic views from the Black side.  The biggest mistake is making this video a racial issue at all.

In no way, shape, form or fashion am I defending the stance of that teenager who forcefully picked the woman up, dropped her due to his clumsiness before picking her up and throwing her into the pool with her dogs. In my opinion when he dropped her, he should’ve checked on her well-being and the prank should’ve been over before tossing her into the pool without checking on her physical condition. He should’ve never put hands on the woman in the first place to be honest.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Shea Moisture Controversy? I Back Shea Moisture

I will first start by expressing my disdain for the ridiculous controversy revolving around Shea Moisture products. I look at the Black Community as a Community that had to undergo inhumane alienation in America yet We condone the reverse racism and try to hold one of America’s first truly profitable Black Owned business as a yoke for division.

Some Black Women feel that the universalizing of the product line is a slap in the face or as if something is stolen from them yet they want to be on the equal playing field in economics, politics and social status. With that being said, instead of ridiculing the business they should be happy for a Black Owned business that will become more profitable by expanding its clientele.

We can’t hold desegregation as a victory in one area while demanding segregation in others. When looking at anything that originated as Black in America it wasn’t just the Black People that made things popular or giving wealth to the inventors. We will take the music industry for instance. Before the days of the internet when record sales measured the success of Black Artists, how could a small percent of America’s population make the artists wealthy? They didn’t.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Fly United Airlines! It's okay!

Let’s stick to the facts without even demonizing this passenger who refused to give up his seat from the plane by bringing up his background. If every single one of You read the ticket jacket You will see where United Airlines was being courteous by offering any type of concession to give up their seat in the first place. United Airlines isn’t a metro form of public transportation. They reserve the right. If any of You knew anything about taking trips or flying on the regular You would know that there is no such thing as an overbooked flight that is already boarded. You would also know that airline employees for the most get to fly for free and they fly standby! Standby meaning that if You are an airline employee and You are using your flight benefits to leisurely travel then You are treated like shit by Your own company to accommodate the paying passengers.

Monday, April 10, 2017

New Youtube Show Coming!!!!

That's right! Setting the Truthful Expectation is not just a blog any longer but going to be a Youtube channel where I Ricky Manner will be Your host! Here we will discuss topics like what I've talked about on my blog before and also I will be chatting with other popular Youtube hosts and getting their opinions on topics discussed on their shows.

Don't expect a high tech recording studio. I am not going to put all of that money into making a studio when I have a computer and webcam that can give you the images that You need and I don't need any fancy studio to convey my message. I am a Southern Country Boy with heavy opinions and a platform that...well I can't say suitable for all audiences but let's just leave that in the air and see how that goes. Looking forward to seeing You there!!!!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Calling a Spade a Spade...And Calling Abortion Murder

I’m going to approach this sensitive subject with what some may call insensitive truth. I will not bring religion nor debate of the legalities. I just want to appeal to Your good sense and if You are Pro-Choice then I really encourage You to read on and at least bring Me back a legitimate argument without opinion but merely facts.

The subject of abortion has been a passion fueled controversy for several decades now. I get it…It’s YOUR BODY and no MAN has the right to tell You how to treat it. No way in my natural life as a Man I will ever know what it is like to Mother a child from conception through birth. I’m a man…I wouldn’t know anything about morning sickness or not being freaked out when I feel another HUMAN moving inside of Me…unless I was gay.

One thing that I am capable of as a Man and not have full right to without being placed in a padded room and under supervision where I can’t hurt myself is self-mutilation.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Jesus = The White Man's God

Some people may find this title disturbing and sacrilegious for the fact that it denounces what most of you hold to be the purest entity in their lives. I used to be comforted by the thoughts of reuniting with lost loved ones in the afterlife. I too used to tremble at the thought of lightening striking Me Black ass dead if I got some man upstairs angry and would even become frightened at the thought of this boogie man called the devil.

I remember gloating on the shortcomings of non-believers as I was mentally conditioned to think that their hardships were caused by their lack of faith, belief and anti-Christian ways. I remember having extreme disdain for people that would question my faith and would often feel right in ridiculing them.

You couldn’t reach Me. I was under the spell where I suffered from delusions of superstition that if anything good happened in My life then God is good but for any short comings then the Devil is busy. Yeah, I used to believe that I was caught in the crossfire between God and the Devil.

Then one day I had to grow up. Not that I lost My religion but for the simple reason is that I had to use something that My Creator had given Me which is called My brain.

Monday, February 6, 2017

The Struggles of Supporting Black Owned Business

Recently I’ve watched several videos by My Cousin who promoted the idea of supporting Black owned Businesses. Her just like many other Black Business owners discuss the amazing buying power of $1.1 trillion (as of 2015) of Black consumers annually. A study by the NAACP conducted in 2015 shows that in the Jewish Community the dollar is circulated approximately 20 days, the White Community the dollar is circulated about 17 days and in the Black Community the dollar is circulated about six hours. It also shows that out of all of the spending habits in the Black Community only about two cents per dollar counted is spent with a Black owned business.

In yesterday’s World this would’ve been a slap in the face. In the modern World the use of promoting a need to support a Black Business is obsolete and for no other reason than the fault of the Black Community as a whole.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Hurtful Compassion

Black People….I know that most of You feel that the Liberals are on Your side and that Democratic Policies works the best for You. Often You find their solution not working but yet You give it just a little more time and the reason for that is not because that You are stupid nor are You helpless but after a  cruel and bloody history of carnage & despair in America hope is all You have. Hope is not out of reach. First You must understand how to achieve Your liberation in order to bring about the results that You hope for.

The whole idea that the Liberals have Your best interest in mind is as delusional of thinking that a desert Oasis is real and diving into the sand and calling it a cool swimming pool. Just because You believe in a certain entity, result or solution doesn’t make it reality…It only remains as a weightless idea residing in Your imagination that holds no value in the court of reality where YOUR LIFE IS ON TRIAL!

Democrats are quick to approach any racial issue in America with a microscope and oven mittens. When there is a police shooting where a White Officer shoots a Black Male, the Officer is strictly scrutinized and his head is put in social media stocks. Totally neglecting the fact that more Black Lives are lost at the hands of other Black Lives & more Whites are killed in questionable police shootings than Blacks, the Liberal media draws up racial tension to be the epitome of Black struggles in America today. Any other time You’re painted in a negative light by that same media but that is easily forgotten when someone acts on the stereotypes that is implemented by their daily broadcasts. If this Liberal agenda that You find to be so compassionate is legit, then why are there so many Blacks behind the walls of prison whether if they are violent or non-violent offenders?

Monday, January 23, 2017

Protest This!

As I’ve blogged before that we were on the Eve of Civil Unrest…today is that day where the beginning of it happens. It was once stated on an episode of Doctor Who that People are Cattle. When You control the parasites You control the herd. So over the course of the weekend I decided to turn on the television and see how the herd is being controlled. On Friday people were on fire about pro or anti new President with many of regurgitated beliefs learned from propaganda. Saturday there were mass protests across the country where social media blew up as people shared their beliefs one way or the other. Come Sunday they were on fire about which team is going to win the AFC or NFC playoff to make it to the Superbowl. I think by now we know what that parasite is that controls the herd of cattle. Let me give you a hint…you plug it into a wall and it comes with a remote. The offswitch is red with a little circle in it and it should be used more often.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Talking White?

Often times well-spoken Black Children are teased by their Black peers for ‘talking White’ and in older circles Black teens and young adults are called names such as ‘Oreo’, ‘Booshie’ or ‘sellout.’ The accusers in most cases are socially, culturally and historically inept with field of visions that proceeds no further than the American pop-culture that perpetuates a stagnating identity of Black culture.

I partially blame the television shows of the early seventies such as Good Times, What’s Happening, and the Jeffersons which were the first television programs to not only showcase but build a market from the displaying the lower class of the Black Race. Then there were shows in the nineties such as Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire and In Living Color that featured characters that further perpetuated the stereotype of so called ‘sellouts.’  

The accusers have an attitude of which carries out a form of jealousy for their victims which in most cases have little or nothing to do with culture identity being that they themselves wouldn’t be able to tell you what is White or What is Black. Barely able to speak the English language in perfection and not being able to pronounce one syllable in the language of Western Africa really doesn’t give the accusers a supportive stance when accusing their peers of talking White.

What Black pride is there really to be embraced when everything that is affiliated with White is perfection and everything that is affiliated with an ignorant use of speech and the practice of dysfunctional habits are affiliated with Black?