Saturday, May 20, 2017

Behind Enemy Lines

I once laughed and took it lighter than a grain of salt when I saw the movie “Higher Learning” shortly after graduating high school in a scene where Ice Cube’s character stated, “This is a war and we are behind enemy lines.” That statement alone for most would seem to be a bit extreme and met with ridicule. Let’s first examine how true this statement is and what extremes would motivate such a statement by defining what is an act of war.

In any war fought throughout history it was always considered an act of duty when the taking of a life occurred on the battlefield but in any other arena was considered murder and punishable by law. Florida’s “Stand Your Ground Law” somehow applied to the release of a civilian MAN who picked a fight with an unarmed CHILD who ended up dead as a result. For the fact that we live in a so called free society where people defended George Zimmerman is only evident that in their eyes, “Black Lives don’t Matter.”

A fleeing suspect in Charleston South Carolina who was unarmed and shot in the back by a police officer and caught on camera did not face anything other than a slap on the wrist. People still defended that officer for cold blooded murder. Here recently the officer that was caught on camera shooting an unarmed Black Man was acquitted of any charges of murder.  

Simply put, murder is an act of war and if you commit enough murder and show a stronger force of being able to commit those crimes then you establish a surrender upon your enemies which is what has happened in our modern America that was built on acts of war upon minorities and the poor. When their comrades are found not guilty being that the law is on their side, they take to the streets in their riot gear to subdue their enemies into submission. Pretty much they are telling you that you can bitch all you want but then again, obey!

In school they tell you that you are free. You grow up believing it because not in every day instances you have to face a war like setting or even approached by the soldiers but it isn’t easy to not get their attention. The police department too is one of America’s armed forces but the units are set up by each state and each county. To become an officer you may not have to endure harsh weeks of boot camp but the departments are full of military retirees.

No, you are not free and in order to establish your freedom you are going to have to fight for it. Protests are ineffective and cowardly. However, this isn’t something that can be done overnight. There is no quick fix to this solution. Freedom has a responsibility and for the most, you have to recognize what freedom is and how to handle it once freedom is achieved.

The last time that you thought you were granted freedom or should I say the illusion of freedom you took it and ran with it simply because you thought that your protests were loud enough to get someone’s attention that was negligent during the bloodshed and tyranny that was going on outside of the doors of his office. If foreign citizens are seeing what is going on in America, how the fuck do you think that someone in the United States is as negligent and in power to not see what’s going on in his or her own backyard? That question alone would mean that it is a time for a change in government officials and put down the picket signs and pick up your guns.

Stop with these pussy non-violent stances where you get on television and openly forgive these assholes that aren’t asking nor deserving of your forgiveness. Do you think that any of these citizens in White America would lay down so easy? No! They are very armed and are prepared for the day to come where our government folds on them like it has done on Blacks for centuries. They would not dare live in a society where their kids are hunted down by civilian soldiers or walk the streets in fear. Their definition of freedom and yours are totally different.

When you are told to wait for desirable results of a protest pretty much means that whatever changes you are seeking in the government will come at a price to where your oppression now will change forms to become another form of oppression just to shut you up for a while until you realized that you’ve been bamboozled again by the same system that had you complaining in the first place!

Yes, to see results in this system will take a fight and a fight that not too many of us are ready for. As a fighter I believe that the mind, body and spirit must be ready for war. Unfortunately for most of us Blacks in America and behind the enemy lines we’re not ready for that kind of fight.

This type of shit that happens around us should have us all fired up but we’re too worried about the scores of a ballgame and what is going on in the latest celebrity gossip. Brothers and Sisters, don’t even talk to Me about football or basketball! I don’t want to hear about it! You, your kids and anything that looks like you are used as target practice in a civilian arena and you have the audacity to be talking about what some high paid jackass can do with a basketball?

Another way that our minds are too fucked to fight is for the fact that we’re too busy practicing that plantation mentality of the house negro versus the field negro. That house negro is as big of an enemy to the Black Race in America as the systematic murderers that hold their offices and positions in law enforcement today.

The house negro blames his people for their suffering simply because he’s not suffering with his people. He’s been granted a little bit of the spoils of war that he can show off as wealth as he parades around his own people as one of the ones who made it and fights with even his soul to be smiled upon by his master as ‘one of the good ones.’

Nope, the house negro isn’t always your well-educated people that talk at you as if they are reading words from a dictionary from your forehead, they also come in the form of athletes and mainly entertainers which makes even the used to be field negroes thrive to be that house negro.

Even the recognized Black Leaders are handpicked house negroes that have you thinking that if you protest enough and just pretend that everything will be alright then one day it will. They are getting wealthy from some Eurocentric religion that was sold to you on the plantation with Islam only being another branch of that same religion.

You really think that without a fight that your captors will give back everything that they have taken through peaceful protests? The only reason that this system still exist unto this very day is the fact that they have to always establish the dominance that they have achieved when they first taken this continent.

This is a game of chess, not checkers. A lot of you thought that you achieved freedom simply because they throw you a pawn of the straight White Christian Male who can openly be the victim of reverse discrimination. He is the one that can easily be turned down for a job to fill a quota or lose his job because he speaks his opinion or cracks a joke that someone takes too seriously. He is not an elitist and in the old country he would be considered as a peasant…as if someone with an elitist pedigree or education is competing with you for a job that makes you wish your days away between paychecks.
Your spirits must be right to fight. Refer back to My blog of Christianity is the White Man’s religion to check your facts on that.

Before we go being militant and even think of taking on this war, we got to get our shit together and only we can do that among each other. This isn't going to happen overnight nor will it happen with the help of our government but only without government interference. Tune in to Saturday's show on the 27th at 9:00 PM on My Youtube Channel. 

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