Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Jesus = The White Man's God

Some people may find this title disturbing and sacrilegious for the fact that it denounces what most of you hold to be the purest entity in their lives. I used to be comforted by the thoughts of reuniting with lost loved ones in the afterlife. I too used to tremble at the thought of lightening striking Me Black ass dead if I got some man upstairs angry and would even become frightened at the thought of this boogie man called the devil.

I remember gloating on the shortcomings of non-believers as I was mentally conditioned to think that their hardships were caused by their lack of faith, belief and anti-Christian ways. I remember having extreme disdain for people that would question my faith and would often feel right in ridiculing them.

You couldn’t reach Me. I was under the spell where I suffered from delusions of superstition that if anything good happened in My life then God is good but for any short comings then the Devil is busy. Yeah, I used to believe that I was caught in the crossfire between God and the Devil.

Then one day I had to grow up. Not that I lost My religion but for the simple reason is that I had to use something that My Creator had given Me which is called My brain.

Having faith for the most means that I had to force Myself to believe something that didn’t add up on any level. What other situation besides religion do we find ourselves going against our better judgment while hoping for the best while the worst stares us in the face besides an abusive relationship? Which for a Black Man in modern day America, Christianity is a very abusive relationship.

Look at what it took for You to become a Christian. Someone had to beat Your ancestors into submission to force their god upon them yet a plantation tradition was formed that was inherited to You. Yes, with Jesus they put the shackles on Your mind before they took them off of Your feet. They gave You a god that tells You to love and forgive your enemies and tell You to endure strenuous amounts of suffering because one day their god is going to make it up to You for an eternity after they exploit You to death.

You ever asked Yourself why would they give You a religion that would empower You when nothing else that ever came from their direction was ever intended to serve any purpose other than to either kill You or make You a better servant? Christianity only empowers them hence Jesus is a White Man’s god.

Christianity will never reward You in the magnitude that it has for Whites who strategically gave You this religion. It has rewarded White People with an abundance of stolen material wealth, a country and maintains their power in the world where Your brainwashed ass is praying for scraps from the table- calling a new car, a job opportunity, a home and above Burger King salary buying power a blessing. How can You claim to have the exact same religion as the ones who gave You this religion but yet You are not benefiting equally from it?

For most of You My Brothers and Sisters I know that this is an uncomfortable topic. People that You love very much that are maybe dead and gone had this faith that they’ve passed down to You so holding on to the traditions is very sentimental to You. It keeps You content knowing and ignoring the fact that this is the only thing that is handed down to You while White Christians don’t waste any time burying their dead being that they are inherited things along with Christianity such as real estate, antiques, finances, businesses, political power and jewelry.

Ever wonder why the White Man only spends an hour in church while You’re up in there half of Your Sunday praying and listening to some pulpit pimp shout at You, ridicule Your flaws and is just profane adjectives away from totally telling You that You’re a dumb fuck?

The White Man gets out of Church before the food at the buffet grows cold while most Black Men often find themselves praying to be out of the service before the football game starts. When I was in My second marriage, I went to Church with My White ex-wife on Easter Sunday. I realized one thing that day when I saw how short that the Church service lasted. White People don’t need God as much as Black People do! It’s kind of like going to Church when Christmas lands on a Sunday. No kid wants to be stuck up in Church when they have their new toys, video game system or latest gadget at the house. Now put that in respects to White America. The world is theirs to enjoy under the banner of Christianity and trust and believe they aren’t like many of Blacks who pray so long that the food gets cold while saying grace.

If Jesus was a Universal God then why don’t the masses worship him under one roof without corruption, judgment or expectation of conformity? Church is the most segregated place on Sunday mornings. Why would a Black Man feel comfortable in the presence of White Christians anyhow? You’re not welcomed in predominately White nightclubs, neighborhoods and to hold in-law family titles but they will knock on Your door and have the audacity to tell You that You are welcomed to come to their church and worship with them? And some of You go for it even though You never question why aren’t You getting the same results from Christianity as they are. If he only tolerates Your existence temporarily on Earth then how in the hell do You think he can stomach the thought of spending an eternity with You in Heaven?

Not one time will they ever acknowledge how & bloody brutal of a history that White Christians have with its Black victims. The KKK and Aryan Nation are sects of White Christianity but the sickness of cloaking hatred with love doesn’t stop there. When a White Man smiles at You because You tell him that You are saved, he’s not smiling because he’s looking forward to an eternity in Heaven with Your Black ass- he’s humored at Your assimilation being that Your brainwashed ass no longer poses a threat being that You’ve done shut down memory of his past transgressions against You.

I knew one of You would bring up Mega Churches where everyone is welcomed. Mostly You see there these religious hipsters with their broken families, older Black People who have gotten nothing out of the Black Church who seeks substance in the hypnosis of the ‘anointing.’ The anointing where You can pray away terminal illness, gain financial wealth and fall out at the command of a man after he hypnotized You to thinking that You are in the presence of God.

Black Christians have so much White influence ingrained in their mental existence that they would question everything else that the Europeans taught them but still will hold on to the biggest cancer that European influence bestowed upon them- Jesus. They will even go as far as saying that Jesus was Black so they can hold on to this plantation religion and forge it into their lives.

Most modern White Christians will agree that Jesus was a man of darkness but they don’t acknowledge the fact of why he was painted White in the first place. They will simply evade that topic by saying, “Color doesn’t matter.”

Well if color doesn’t matter then why every time I am disturbed by a knock on the door by Christian missionaries that there is a Caucasian California surfer looking man on the leaflets that they image as Jesus? Do You think that if they took Jesus as serious enough to look upon him as a Black Man that they would have the same hatred and carried out the unbridled acts of terror among Blacks to form the Nation and a Church?

For them to acknowledge that Jesus was Black yet they still have this White guy in his image alone should raise some trust issues. If I started a Facebook page, put up an image of a White Man and gave myself a White Boy name like Dylan or Chad and talked about My love for Country Music and NASCAR, would You not be disappointed to see that I’m a Black Man with knowledge of both aforementioned subjects. You will question My real name, then My intentions for staging another personality altogether which would make Me lose credit in My knowledge on those subjects.
Even the Bible states that You can always tell a tree by the fruit that it bares- yet nobody is questioning this poison that grows from the tree of Christianity.

I have many of White friends that are Christians. From My understanding of them is that they are good people. A very near and dear Friend of mine who is no longer with us and was a Nazarine Preacher. His last words to Me is that He loves Me very much. Where I believe Him still yet He never walked in the shoes of a Black Man so yet He wouldn’t know how Christianity isn’t the shoe that I was fit to wear.

 I am from down South and grew up around mostly White People that are Christians. I can agree to disagree with them on a lot of things with Christianity being the main one. I have friends from the Middle East that are Muslims and I have Indian Friends that are Hindu. Because these religions work for them does not mean that they are designed to work for Me.

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