Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Old Slave of a New Plantation

Let’s get one thing clear…We never were freed from slavery. We just became conditioned to become better slaves. As the social norms of the world changed, this country’s politics had to change with them. So it had to master it’s methods all the while masking it’s attacks while re-writing history to work in their favor being that a slave never researches…just regurgitates what he’s told and patted on the head while being labeled a scholar for regurgitating the false information in clarity.

Our slave names are etched into whatever existence we may have in America from our last names right down to our learned behaviors.

A good slave will never admit that he’s in bondage, he only seeks favor of his master. A slave must be broken psychologically to be obedient physically. So while these Black leaders are talking reparations for the slaves financially, I’m still wondering what kind of curing happened psychologically for this race of people to co-exist in a society that didn’t undergo four hundred years of psychological breaking.

Evidence of this as I will clearly point out to you are things that you already know but just don’t pay that much attention to because you’re easily distracted by ballgames and supermodels. Celebrity gossip and sports stats are luxuries of a people who live in a free an equal society so if ever you meet me please don’t offend me by starting the conversation with sports stats. I don’t give a shit about sports stats. Not when the problem is as severe as it is with us in America.

Let’s talk about the gravity of our situation before you ever open your mouth with sports stats and celebrity gossip; ponder on this. We still practice a slave mentality of a broken psychology. Evidence of this is the fact that we are willing to accept certain things that work against us but want to convince ourselves that work in our favor. This is our big disconnect from ourselves and each other.

We accept the image that we’re given in America as Black People through culture that is painted to be us. This urban post plantation culture. An image that perpetuates our self-destruction, vocalize self-folly and self-hate and chasing the carrot of social acceptance. Where there are different classes of whites commercialized on public platforms there is only one that is glorified on black public platforms and it is usually one of poverty, despair and anger. If you don’t fit that mold of a post-plantation jackass then you’re labeled as not Black, sellout or an Uncle Tom. This same post-plantation image is one that paints you as "the bad guy" in social circles which makes it justifiable to kill you and the crime of your murder to go unpunished! 

We accept a religion that only works counterproductive to our psychological and spiritual needs.  Even though it is proven not to have worked for us, and proven to be only a ritual practiced by our oppressors, we still want to believe in Santa Claus, the Boogie Man and the Easter Bunny. It’s almost like a sixteen year old kid being angry at his parents for not still blatantly telling him a lie of the existence of such things when all parties are fully capable of knowing better. It is as sick as a married man still calling his mother to read him a bedtime story at night.

Christianity in itself is a religion to be practiced by a sociopath because there is no personal accountability for anything. So it’s okay to do everything against the moral codes that the Bible teaches because you can always pray for forgiveness whenever you destroy the lives of your kids through family separation, steal from your fellow-man, binge drink and even kill. Yet it allows you to judge others for their shortcomings and even condemn them! Don’t dare call a Christian out on hypocrisy because the response at that moment would be something as foolish as saying, “Only God is perfect! I’m only Human! God isn’t finished with Me yet!”

It keeps the Black Man weak! He’s ready to fight and die on one command by Christianity and ready to forgive and yield at the same command…like a goddamned trained attack dog. It destroys the family structure and causes the disconnect between Black Man and Black Woman by devaluing the position of the Black Man in the Black Household! Psychologically this religion fucked you when you closed your eyes and envisioned a White savior while being painted a picture of everything that is wrong with and in your life started with a Black Face. These pulpit pimps that you see on Sunday mornings are nothing more than house-nigger help. 

You wanted to fit in so goddamn bad that you’ve accepted a political system that only gives us the false illusion of inclusion.  A little over one hundred years of unbridled terrorist attacks that were condoned, sanctioned and embraced by this government and now you feel free and liberated because you can join the police force, hold a chair in office or fight in a military that up unto thirty years ago drafted you into suicide missions for the population control of your people. Knowing this you still allow your kids to go into the military with a smile of pride on your face?

It is now okay to send your kids unsupervised to an integrated public school system as a sign of good faith in racial unity when they shut the schools down in your neighborhoods to exercise racial differences. Some of the schools in Black Communities were burned down. Yeah, you got the illusion of inclusion but you got it on their terms which you’ve always been playing on their terms.

You wanted to fit in so goddamn bad that you sacrificed your kids as a wager that now these people who just four years before integration sat back and watched police batons cracking your heads open, police dogs viciously biting Black people in the throat, high pressure water hoses washing your asses off of the streets and now it’s okay for that same government to inoculate your children with whatever pesticide that they say is in good cause so they can attend a public school without your supervision.

Do you really want to fit in that bad? Care for any ketchup or mustard for your shit sandwich or a nice tall glass of piss to wash it down? 

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