Thursday, June 25, 2020

An Alleged Pedophile Walks the Streets....A Tale of Injustice Gone Viral

I will start by saying that if you want to read up more on this character that I'm blogging about, recently I've uploaded some older blog posts that you can scroll down and read. Today I just want to be informative to all of you that may have children of the alleged pedophile that still walks the streets thanks to the Corona Virus making jail a not so safe option for him at the time.

Keep in mind from the previous blog that I've laid out how he's broken house arrest over and over, pretty much was as bold to post his dealings on his social media page and make a mockery of the court ordered terms of his house arrest by filming videos, doing live interviews with WYFF News 4 and even making a trying to communicate with his victim while he was out on house arrest a time before. We're dealing with a man of lawlessness and after today, I've given up hope on the justice system to allow him to walk away.

If you want to know what motivates me to feel this way, just click on this link to read Jada's story to the blog titled "Dysfunctional Family Affair" and you will see the fuckery in this entire situation. I will first post this picture as I've shown you on the previous blog and let you just look at the charges even closer. No worries...I will give full detail of what this person drives and if the sex offender registry can't help you out now, I am letting you know who and what to look for.

If you live in the upstate then this is the Nissan to look for if you leave your kids unattended. 

What makes this man dangerous in my opinion that I'm sure that you will all agree with is the fact that he's very delusional and holds no regards to the law nor the crimes he's allegedly committed. As it was told to me by the Victim's mother today is that the mission for the prosecutor was to revoke his further bond due to the evidence I've presented before with the previous blog. This even had blind sided his potential defense attorney today which is a high profile attorney that hasn't as of today been fully retained by Pranceton Fat Fuck Williams which is why the Public Defender was in the court room as well.

As I've stated before, this fat fuck is a name dropper. He's a nobody with nothing going on and lives his life using his social media platform to feed his delusions of grandeur. His attorney had a side conversation with me where he told me that he was only filing an appeal to keep him out of jail being that the doctor stated that jail wouldn't be a healthy place for him and his diabetes along with his decaying health could present a health problem while behind the walls. In return I told him respectfully, "You have a braggart on your hands. If he walks out of here today and if I was a gambling man, I'd be willing to bet my left nut that he'll be dropping your name all over the place on his social media page." He and I laughed at the nature of the verbiage before he cancelled the court hearing for that day and as I've shown you in the other blog, I had him gauged correctly. 

Here on the picture third from the right, you will see his acting counsel at the time. Second from the right in the purple knits is Lard Lad Pranceton. As you can tell, he has to live in his little world where he's somebody just because he hangs with a bunch of somebodies. 

His acting counsel didn't know that he would be hit with the question from the prosecutor of his relationship with this piece of shit. Being  that he hasn't retained his services as of today, the public defender was in the court room today. We'll know in five days. They are pushing for a speedy trial. 

Now this picture is even more interesting and confirms something that I've mentioned in the blog titled, "Dysfunctional Family Affair." His sister that he's singing with in this recent event was the same one who accused him of having sexual relations with her daughter and they took it to Facebook of Tameshia's thieving of his mother's money while she was dying. You can see the picture with the caption for yourself on that same blog.

Jada does have my deepest of sympathies...this is one fucked up family! And I thought that I had it bad because I used to have to go and pick my own switch from the front yard, forced to copy sections of the dictionary when I used profanity and had to clean the house on Saturday mornings while other kids were watching cartoons. 

This man is facing charges and prison time for his charges and he's out taking selfies in what looks like safety goggles and a cosmetologist shirt.

He's going to sing with his sister who not only he accused of stealing from their dying mother but also who he says in his own words accused him of sleeping with her daughter? Let me guess, it was all a big ole misunderstanding right? 

If you all go to his Facebook page, you will see a whole lot of religious quotes, Bible verses and my favorite one is the next one that I am about to show you. 

See, we're talking about someone who has no education except for what he reads on Youtube and if my memory serves me correctly he is a high school dropout.

Oh yes, this next picture is what made him accuse me of being a Satanist other than the Pentacle that I wear around my neck.

The Irony on this one is that a lot of the names that he drops are Freemasons! This is what subscribing to Youtube Conspiracy theories do for you when you try to sound intelligent with a less than high school education. 

As far as the freedom song, who is he singing that to other than whoever started this whole covid pandemic being that this is the only way that he's getting his freedom currently. The judge sees him as a health risk to himself and others in jail being that he has a rotting foot which is why he reeks of oil if ever you're close to him. This is the same fish mouth fat fuck who tried to crack jokes on my kids and my girlfriend when I first started blogging about him. I've said it once and I will say it again, Pranceton...if you don't like what I have to say about you then you know where to find me. You fancy yourself with the name Beacon? lol You're a keychain flashlight with a broken bulb and a dead battery and that statement adds more worth to your existence than deserved.  

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

When Does Black Lives Matter?

I've covered this topic before on this blog and the irony here is that in the wake of covid-19 that a lot of people were released from jail and put onto the streets due to health risks. What baffles me to no end is that you had dangerous people placed on the street all the while people were being jailed for having church services or going to the park to walk their dogs. All the while people awaiting trials for pedophilia were released into the public and this one I've blogged about before is out and about due to manipulating the system.

After his bond was posted, he was seen driving by his victim's (his niece's) house and tried to indirectly communicate with his victim through her minor friends. As well as making false statements about his Sister for reporting the crime and me personally for being a support system for her. 

Then came Superbowl Sunday weekend. That Friday the Deputies came to pick him up and he wasn't at home. He'd broken his house arrest earlier that week and with a search for him, the deputies picked him up on that following Monday. 

While in lockup for the second time, he appealed to have his bond reinstated. He used his obesity and diabetes as jail not being a safe environment for him to be. The bond was denied due to the fact that he had broken his house arrest a time before. 

Then comes the covid outbreak. This is where he used his decaying health to the full advantage. First he was out on house arrest, secondly he didn't like being monitored, third, he used his decaying health to have a doctor to write an excuse for the ankle bracelet to be removed, then he was free to travel out and about with no supervision. 

Worried for the safety of her children, his sister attempted to appear in front of a Judge to have this case looked at. Williams shows up with his lawyer who was a State Senate Candidate at the time to have his day in court. The judge didn't hear the case this day because his lawyer had to be at an appointment. 

What was the appointment that was more important than a judge hearing the mother's plea of her personal safety and the safety of her daughter? A ribbon cutting ceremony and attending that ceremony and filming it live on his Facebook was none other than Williams himself. 

In the second picture, he gives a big shout out to local Civil Rights Leader Ennis Fant. This was supposed to be a groundbreaking ceremony for a Black Owned Grocery store which Facebook viewers have told me that the land itself isn't even under contract.

So let's examine this character for a moment before we continue. What we have on our hands as you can tell so far is nothing more than a name dropping two-bit grifter and an opportunist along with alleged pedophile being the epitome of his despicable titles. 

As I will show you, there is nothing special about this horrible excuse for a human being that is fit for nothing other than a laugh at his expense being that he's broke financially and in every other arena. 

He tells the world that he's financially free. Well, I would agree being that he waits for a disability check to come in every month being that his lard ass can't work and with his poor health conditions.

Well, I will leave it up to you to do the math. It's been said that he has no drivers license. That would make sense being that I haven't seen where he'd paid a tax bill on his vehicle for quite some time. 

He really got mad at me and pointed out that I don't own my home in response to a previous blog that I had made about him. This was because on that blog post I point out that he doesn't own his home at 20 Alice Farr Dr. as he told people. You can see this for yourself at 

What he'd taken advantage of here recently is the Black Lives Matter movement. He'd written a song and told WYFF News 4 that radio stations across the country are going to air this song. This is the most attention that I've seen him get being that the shows that he put on gets more crowds that leaves with the opening acts.

He has to constantly be on Facebook going live to talk himself up and talk down other people i.e. gays and people that call him out on his bullshit being that he's in reality a nobody. How hungry was he for attention this time? Well, with the order of a judge for him to be in his home, he decided to get on television and promote his latest music video which consists of a montage of local protests and a slave setting.
Wait, no masks?! No Social Distancing? This is a scene set somewhere in the woods but his health is too bad to serve his time in jail until he goes to trial?! Some of the staff knew what his charges were and were so hungry for attention and recognition that they've worked with him anyhow? This doesn't look like the inside of his house...This was filmed last week.

I know what his next statement will be...I'm just hating on his success, right? Isn't that what Black People are known to say when you call them out on their bullshit? Yeah, well I too am a movie maker with projects to be slated for late July but I will not work with or around anyone that manipulates the system. I won't milk the BLM movement like a prized heifer for recognition either. Even if there was an ounce of jealousy in me, there is NOTHING that could compare to the hurt and the rage that was felt by his victim when she seen his fat ugly face plastered on her television screen.

This is the same son of a bitch that spread rumors about me being a Satanist. I won't confirm or deny that for any of you but I will say that even if I was a Satanist and he's such a Christian, I'm not hiding behind any religion for my shortcomings. None of my sins involve minor children or the legal system. When I film my videos, I won't be using decaying health as a reason to have the freedom to film a video named, "Freedom."

I find it hypocritical being that what hurts our community internally is of the child molestation and abuse that goes on with our young. We don't want to talk about that now, do we? This occurs more than police violence. Then we wonder why some of our sisters from the lower class of society idolize people such as Meghan Thee Stallion, Lil Kim or Niki Minaj. So when does Black Lives Matter? What about the lives of innocent Black Children that has to suffer sexual abuse from Family members like the ones that make videos about how valuable Black Lives are? This movement has grifters in it and this is one of them....Piece of SHIT!