Friday, November 11, 2016

Exposing the Liberals After the Election

This election sparked up a lot of topics and sharing of opinions. The conflicting interests of people whether the interests are educated or opinionated still deserve answers and maybe even a bridge built between the people that hold their beliefs. I will tell you my beliefs and my opinions based on facts and try not to let my emotions Segway me away from the points that I will try to convey to you to the best of my knowledge. 

I don’t share the opinions nor the views of many of liberals. There is too much under one canopy to

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How Trump Won the Election

The emotions were high as the next President was announced early this morning. People were satisfied to see that a textbook radical was elected as President of the United States. I was left without words. Being a Trump Supporter I was amazed that the mainstream media didn’t have enough mental mass scale conditioning power to detour voters from Trump. They pulled out their usual heavy ammunition and laid it on thick from calling him a bigot, a pedophile, a rapist and a chauvinist. He was mocked on comedy channels and was not so favored by news media outlets.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

MLK Hero Or Pussy?

It wouldn’t be fit to call Doctor King a Doctor being that his doctorates degree was honorary. Nor would it be fit to call him Martin Luther when his real name was Michael. Though he was a great deceiver and was one of the first people to consciously coon in this Nation and receives recognition for his acts of cowardice and coonery.

Why and how can I say this? What leader leads their people into an ambush? It’s not a tactical strategy in any books of war ever written to defeat an enemy when you approach him as a target. Standing in the face of a violent enemy with a non-violence stance is not a courageous progressive action but merely a cowardly surrender.

At such a time in America we were at a hot war. What else would you call the bombings of churches, the cold-blooded murder of Black Men, Women and Children, numerous acts of lynching, vandalism and a state of segregation enforceable by deadly penalties? You think that you can pray away hatred? If this is the case, the next time you find yourself being the victim of a robbery don’t shoot your assailant nor defend yourself with force. Pray for them and sing them some gospel music and maybe they might not take your wallet let alone your life. What has protesting ever done for anyone anyhow? Then just like now useless protests only leads to Jewish owned media outlets and Jewish sponsored Civil Rights groups to make money.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The N Word

It’s passively offensive and sometimes I find it utterly absurd whenever a person of another race asks, “Why can Black People get away with saying the N Word but get upset when someone else says it?” Often this question is asked when a level of perverse and an illusion of comfort is established but not enough respect for such an issue to be brought up in the first place. When someone asks me that question it translates to me that they are seeing what I am trying to ignore of what I see in them…race.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Democrats War on Poverty or War on Black People?

My recent blogpost was of a gentleman by the name of Tommy Sotomayor who rubbed me the wrong way on first sight simply because of the way that he bashes his own people in a public arena and receives praises by racist Whites for his disdain for his race. However, I watched one of his videos on the modern child support system and something that the brother said made perfect sense. In this specific video he wasn’t cooning and calling sisters out of their names but making some very valid points on how the system has us Blacks in America caught between a rock and a hard place.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Rigging of the Election

Some people have a strong belief that the elections are rigged in this country. My question to anyone with disbelief in that idea is how can you believe that it is not? To further validate my point would be with another question. As irresponsible, uneducated and docile as the American People are, do you think that the super wealthy elitist would allow an ignorant population to make decisions that could affect their wealth and being a superpower to the rest of the world?

We're talking about a population that is easily distracted with celebrity gossip and ballgames....a population that are willing to submit themselves to debt slavery for pretentious reasons...a superstitious population...a population that digs their own graves with knives, forks and spoons. Most importantly we are dealing with a population that doesn't know jack shit about the political system altogether. The average American voter couldn't tell you the three branches of government nor their functions however they vote on the deception that the candidates give to gain their vote or let's just say their approval.

Let's not look at the election as a way of choosing the leaders of this nation...let's look at it for what it really is. Election doesn't mean Selection! It's merely an approval rating...A report card after mentally conditioning the masses and selling them the illusion of a democracy that they have their hands in. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Eve of Civil Unrest

Everything that has a beginning has an end. The end of an era in America is upon us. That era is of the true dark ages that we’ve undergone for a significant amount of time in America where Citizens grew stagnant in their comfort zones where they surrendered their inherent rights of freedom for the illusions of comfort and security. This up and coming election is not only a blatant statement of this though the warning signs were there way before Trump threw his hat in the ring or Hillary was ever taken serious to be a President.

For this circus to have gotten this far is a true sign that the powers that the citizens have invested in have abandoned their posts. It is also evident that anyone with true integrity recognizes that trying to bring about any changes in this nation as it exists today is a lost cause which left two sideshow geeks competing for the role as the ringmaster in this circus.

I personally looked upon America as a lost cause and a true circus when the first so called Black President was shoved down our throats by every media outlet by making him a celebrity. Black people supported Obama’s presidency not because of his policies but because of his skin color. The whole Obamacare scandal didn’t do anyone a damn bit of good but for the wealthy that all politicians are bought, sold and traded by each day.

When Obama was first elected into office people were vending Obama incense, cologne and merchandise. Black celebrities endorsed Obama so much and fed Black people a waterfall of Kool-Aid that if any White Man disagreed with Obama it wasn’t because of his policies but because he was racist. Any Black Man that ridiculed Obama’s policies met the equivalent of that with mindless name calling such as ‘Uncle Tom’ or ‘Sellout.’

Saturday, September 24, 2016

No Sleep Lost In Charlotte

Once I have been told that a half-truth isn’t a complete lie. However, if a half-truth is told in the intent to deceive then it too is a form of deception which might as well be a lie. This past week with the racially charged civil unrest in Charlotte, North Carolina was a lie!
As I drove through Charlotte, I took the liberty of broadcasting on where I had an audience that was taken away by the beauty of one of the most metropolitan attractive cities in the Southeast which is Charlotte, North Carolina.
Mainstream media would’ve had you to believe that Charlotte was left in disarray after the riots that have taken place called for the National Guard in a State of Emergency. If Charlotte, North Carolina on September 24, 2016 was in a state of emergency then there are other cities, counties and towns that are in a state of emergency.
I am a huge fan of NASCAR which many would say is a predominantly White sport. When I heard the news of the NASCAR Museum being a victim of the looters then my first emotion was of a sentimental discrepancy. One of my most favorite memories with my Dad in adulthood is when we went to the NASCAR Hall of Fame induction and I’ve met NASCAR legends such as Cotton Owens, David Pearson and even Daryl Waltrip. The replica cars that are on the first part of the track are skillfully crafted by an artist by the name of J.B. Day who is not only was a friend of my family’s but a man who is no longer with us.