Monday, January 23, 2017

Protest This!

As I’ve blogged before that we were on the Eve of Civil Unrest…today is that day where the beginning of it happens. It was once stated on an episode of Doctor Who that People are Cattle. When You control the parasites You control the herd. So over the course of the weekend I decided to turn on the television and see how the herd is being controlled. On Friday people were on fire about pro or anti new President with many of regurgitated beliefs learned from propaganda. Saturday there were mass protests across the country where social media blew up as people shared their beliefs one way or the other. Come Sunday they were on fire about which team is going to win the AFC or NFC playoff to make it to the Superbowl. I think by now we know what that parasite is that controls the herd of cattle. Let me give you a hint…you plug it into a wall and it comes with a remote. The offswitch is red with a little circle in it and it should be used more often.

Has anyone not seen what we’ve really become in America? I won’t sit here today and point the finger at one political side or the other but by what we as a collective whole have become. The parasite of the television is now becoming obsolete with the emerge of the access to cellular phones that keeps us plugged in and tuned out. 

There is always some video, some meme or some post that gets people fired up as we broadcast our ignorance disguised as intelligence to the world. People have found a way to communicate without talking to one another anymore. If evolution is true then the next species will have longer arms so they can take better selfies.

First thing to take out of the picture of what plagues America today is racism. Racism isn’t and hasn’t been a detrimental factor for Blacks or any other minorities for a long time. Do you think that the elitist in Washington D.C. or at any world summit lose sleep at night thinking of how to destroy people based on the color of their skin? If their goal was to eradicate any other race than White from the face of the planet then they have the weaponry, the chemicals and propaganda to have done so by now. If racism was the driving force of any political or legal movement then there would have been an uprising in America a long time ago. Elitist only exploits vulnerable groups of people who lay down and give their superiors unbridle control over them.

What I find to be the most disturbing is the way that Black subculture has been promoted to the image of the Black race as a whole in America. Racism isn’t responsible for that but mere vulnerability and gullibility by Black consumers. The hatred for Black People in America is more internal than external. The self-induced victimhood mentality that is marketed in the community sets the Black population back centuries in an ever changing and evolving world.

Blacks should feel victimized when urban terrorism is glorified on the big screen. Blacks should feel offended anytime they turn on a rap music song where some jackass throws money in the air while bragging about how many Black Women that they disrespect or how many relationships that they can breakup due to the materialism that he himself is plagued with. Blacks should take it to the streets from the amount of drugs that are pushed in their communities or how many of their young Men lost their lives not to White racist police officers but to other Black Men in the streets of their own communities. Black Women should feel offended when they are offered a JP Morgan Bank card to feed their families to replace the Men in their homes. Black Women should feel offended when a military recruiter shows up at their front door to offer their kids a contract to raid and pillage foreign countries while hoarding their natural resources in the name of corporate greed. What makes Black People more upset than the aforementioned? Not when systematic oppression and detrimental social engineering destroys their stance in the community and the world but when someone disagreed with Obama or they get called a Nigger by some coward on the internet.

Social engineering has become a key factor to controlling the masses. The working class White Man is the next victim under attack by this tyrannical mechanism. Ward Cleaver, Andy Taylor and Mike Brady which were respectable White Men that took care of business and put Family First were replaced with Al Bundy, Homer Simpson and Peter Griffith. We went from icons that were strong, loving and caring to weak, lazy, stupid White Men full of regret and resentment.

What message does this give to the White Youth of American working class families? The same message that the impoverished and Black Youth of America gets from having their media icons to be Urban Terrorists. In recent rap videos You will see where race mixing is promoted in a negative way. The beautiful White chick that shakes her ass for the Black Urban Terrorist. Dare not to say anything about that or You’d be considered a racist. Why do You think this whole Kanye West and Kim Kardasian is pushed down our throats every time You log onto any kind of news feed?

A respectable White Man in reality wouldn’t want his daughter dating an Urban Terrorist not because he’s Black but for the family structure that he lacks, the abuse that he will give, the fatherless kids that he will produce, the lack of self-respect, the lack to plan ahead and build an honest future and the danger he will put her in. At this point it is not about being a racist but about his concern for the well being of his daughter.

Pushing culture diversity is bad when the negativities of that culture is exploited in the process. If I Fathered any daughters I damn sure wouldn’t want them bringing home Meg Griffith or Kelly Bundy for a slumber party. I wouldn't want My Sons dating the likes of those two either. I wouldn’t want My Daughter dating an Urban Terrorist either. The last thing I need is to be sitting in the house with a grown daughter who can’t take care of her kids because the father is a jailbird or will make Me become one when he puts his hands on My little girl.

As for this protest for Women? Women should’ve been protesting when celebrities were shaking their ass on TV for a male sexually charged population. They should’ve been protesting when it became popular to post half nude pictures on social media for ‘likes.’ The TV Show Sons of Anarchy was loved by Women viewers as they drooled over Jax Teller…a biker bad boy who practiced adultery, misogyny and killed more people in one episode than a gangster rapper kills in an entire album. Did Women protest them or sit in their social circles and talk about what they would do to this man if they had the chance? There wouldn’t be that many complaints if he showed up at some of these women’s (whores’) houses and wanted to grab them by the pussy.

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