Saturday, June 17, 2017

Black in America...Not Black American

For as long as I can remember, White conspiracy theorists were always in fear of the New World Order that would be delivered by the Illuminati to bring about an Orwellian type of dictatorship. Such an environment would deprive one of their 'Constitutional Rights' by denying Civil Liberties in a population that is enslaved. In this new society there would be misery and little to no justice. In recent years these predictions have came to past which spiked the numbers of gun sales to an all time high.

The nightmare that Whites fear to live under their government one day is the same one that Blacks are living in now. Oh yeah, that's right...we're all free and equal now, right? Sisters can work in middle management positions on the job site, Brothers can date and marry White females and even move into gated communities now. Then why is it that the murders of Black Men by Police officers go unpunished?

It's bad enough that we fear each other in a time where we need each other but in this society we also have to fear authoritarian figures that devalue our lives as a whole. The media has already drawn that line of what the Western White World's perception is of You. Let's take a closer look at it.

The person on the left never have to compete with the person on the right. They are both White but psychologically you can see where they are not the same. The person on the left never has to get on a soap box and tell the world how they are so much different than the person on the right. In your minds, Black or White you can tell the difference between these two. When it comes down to self-identity the person on the right can be the person on the left by simply changing his zip code, getting an education ,seeing a dentist and changing his inner circle.

Now when looking at these two, its the same. The person on the left have to continue to strive to not appear in the eyes of Whites with psychological induced cognitive dissonance to appear as the one on the right. He has to change his speech, dress, inner circle and even most times express his disdain for the person on the right. Both of these people can drive a luxury vehicle and get the same racial profiling by police officers. Car doors still click for the both of them by Whites that are afraid of Blacks. If the person on the left makes any achievement then he's looked at as the first Black person to do so as if that is such a fucking amazing thing when he's human...the amazement shouldn't be from his color but simply his ability to overcome the bullshit that is in front of him when dealing with a tyrannical history in America where the odds were against him before he sat down to play.

This man everyone knows. You see this type in every gun shop, every NRA meeting and is probably a co-worker of yours. There are many like him. He is ready for the day to come for if and when the government deprives him of his civil liberties. At that moment in time he will lose respect and opt out of the social contract that keeps things in order. He's not afraid of the police and would be willing to go toe to toe if the police was to try and deprive him of his civil liberties or even jeapardize the lives of his family. He's not buying sharpies and poster boards to protest his rights when they are written already on a document that is the Constitution. His worst nightmare My Brothers and Sisters is to live like you already do. Fear of your lives by the police, unsafe surroundings induced by the government for your children. To be enslaved by rich authoritarians that only see him as sweat equity. 

He don't want to live in a world where this can happen to him in front of his family. He will fight and die to keep this next picture from happening to him and won't stop until he kills the asshole that done something like this to his brother, son, or even a friend.

He don't want to live in a world where this is where he will end up at the drop of a dime to be worked as a slave for higher authorities. White conspiracy theorists calls it a concentration camp but let's just call it what it is...a prison.

The Anti-Christ, Rapture, Armageddon and all of that apocalyptic bullshit you can save for the roll on the wall in my bathroom. He fears what is likely to come and you're fearing some boogieman with a pitchfork from some book of collected fairy tales? For the love of God and Goddess (that exist inside of You) GROW THE FUCK UP!

His reason for joining the military and yours are totally different. He wants to defend the spoils of the victories of his ancestors and you on the other hand are joining to escape the psychological, physical and spiritual displacement of Yours. Only when the both of you on the battlefield is when you find that the only thing you want to do is get home alive together so don't go giving me that "I served with pride" bullshit.

Now I must ask what's up with the singing and picket signs? You don't live in the same America as they do. They live in America...Nigga, you're living in an Orwellian sandbox trying to play the role of an American in blackface. If you were an American then your murder wouldn't go unpunished and the police would be there to protect you and your family...not murder you in front of yours. If you were an American then you would have the same opportunities in the apprehension of wealth without degrading yourself to do so. On the job site you would be able to climb higher than middle management on a regular occasion without having to join social clubs of favoritism. You wouldn't be looked at as a gangster when you buy a nice motor vehicle or sport expensive threads.

Because maybe you have some white friends in your social circle, a White spouse or a good paying job that you are all of a sudden seen as equal? Once again, refer back to the pictures. You are now and will forever have to prove who Your loyalty to or else starve under the system that has you pledging in the first place.

You may turn on the six o'clock News (six o'clock Noose) and see people like yourself being murdered and murdering. All of this is the same celebration and distilling of fear of your black ass just like the days of old before television when the cities gathered and saw your Black ass hanging from a noose with justification in doing so. These police slayings are nothing more than a modern day lynching where White Americans feel safer and invincible in taking Your life at the drop of a dime. Not a goddamn thing changed since the days of old other than the illusion of Your Black ass thinking that You live in a free and equal society.

A good paying nine to five, financed motor vehicle and a mortgaged home now has you thinking that things have gotten better when they've only stayed the same. The methods are mastered and through the false illusion of material wealth for the sorry some of you the same system has masked it's attacks against your Black ass.

Bi-racial dating? Well at first it was forbidden simply because it would break the curse of devaluing the lives of other humans that were non-European. The traits that protected them for themselves are now diminished in breeding. Nowadays they just simply say that it is a practice of the type of White on the right so now it doesn't have the potency of devaluing just categorize them as the same state of mind that practice homosexuality, blatant bigotry, alcoholism or illicit sex. They separate their so called 'race traitors' as White Trash.

In a true revolution we don't need the aid of pot smoking, acid tripping, feminist, homosexual hippies to stand ground with Us when their issues are way different and are detrimental to our cause when put on the same platform. We must move forward as PEOPLE and not as a political party nor pleading for allegiance with the freaks of their race when they at least have a fighting chance for survival.

Who wants to join the fight? I'm ready. I can't promise you a college education, a chance to see the world or even seeing victory. Though I can promise you that if enough of us join in the fight that we don't have to worry about the safety of our family, friends or even ourselves in the future generations. Your kids or maybe even your grand kids can see the world without having to put on a uniform after signing their souls to the devil. I won't say like, comment and subscribe...I say spread the word and get your shit together!

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