Sunday, April 2, 2017

Calling a Spade a Spade...And Calling Abortion Murder

I’m going to approach this sensitive subject with what some may call insensitive truth. I will not bring religion nor debate of the legalities. I just want to appeal to Your good sense and if You are Pro-Choice then I really encourage You to read on and at least bring Me back a legitimate argument without opinion but merely facts.

The subject of abortion has been a passion fueled controversy for several decades now. I get it…It’s YOUR BODY and no MAN has the right to tell You how to treat it. No way in my natural life as a Man I will ever know what it is like to Mother a child from conception through birth. I’m a man…I wouldn’t know anything about morning sickness or not being freaked out when I feel another HUMAN moving inside of Me…unless I was gay.

One thing that I am capable of as a Man and not have full right to without being placed in a padded room and under supervision where I can’t hurt myself is self-mutilation.

If I was to suffer an illness or a depression where I felt the need to drag sharp objects across my skin until I bled or burned myself for the sake of feeling pain to gain a sense of control then quite naturally I would attract the attention of concerned family members, friends and shrinks. If I showed signs of taking a loaded gun and putting it to My head to end My struggles of living then if You have an ounce of compassion in You then You’d be concerned about My LIFE. Hopefully You could muster the right words to persuade Me to have a change of thought.

So I’m going to tell You that You’re free to get an abortion because it is Your body, right?  Some argue that abortion is to remedy inconvenience. When the excuse of rape fails (being that rape is very far and few between reasons that women find themselves in an abortion clinic) the next excuse is it keeps an unwanted child from being brought into this world because a child will not only be miserable but will also cause financial hardship, derail education or handicap vocational endeavors. Well let’s just fucking carpet bomb the shit out of third world countries being that killing them would be showing a sign of mass mercy.

If death was the relief to any personal problem other than war then suicide would be encouraged instead of strongly discouraged.  Entertaining the thought of suicide wouldn’t be considered mentally disturbing. Self-mutilation would be on the same scale of  socially accepted self-inflicted harm as smoking cigarettes or consuming alcohol.

So here is where I question Your stance as a pro-choice individual. When does personhood begin? After the Baby is slapped on the ass and handed to You to cut the umbilical cord? Before this point in Your pregnancy nobody ever asked You about You…They asked You specifically, “How is the Baby?” In the unfortunate case of a miscarriage people often say that the BABY was lost. Science will conclude that the Human Fetus is still a living thing.

People who stand on the erroneous pro-choice stance will tell You that the Fetus isn’t a Human and it deserves no rights. It is only when the CHILD is wanted is when the Fetus is considered a developing Human? How much sense does that make? When a Mother decides to continue a pregnancy is when the Human INSIDE OF HER BODY has rights? So if a Woman is assaulted to the degree where the pregnancy can’t continue then the assailant now faces charges of HOMICIDE!

Let’s think about this for a minute. We live in a society where animals have non-profit organizations to protect them and see to their betterment yet a Human CHILD in the womb has no rights and is treated with the same regards as an abscessed tooth, tonsils, unwanted body fat or an infected gall bladder? What rational minded PERSON who gives three shits, two goddamns or a fiddle faddle flying fuck about HUMAN LIFE can see the option of killing the fetus because it will deliver them inconvenience?

You’re right on one thing…You do have the right to Your body. This is America. You can eat all of the doughnuts, candy, consume all of the soda and fattening food as You so desire. You can smoke cigarettes, drink beer and even score some dope. You have the choice to exercise or become a couch potato with no ambition in life but to get fatter and age another day. Unless You’re in the military nobody is drilling You to stay in good physical shape or practice good habits of personal hygiene.
Pro-Choice? Well the choice of having unprotected sex with an undesirable Father is a choice that You make. At that moment in time You’re doing what You want to do with YOUR BODY! That doesn’t make You a whore.

However, once You’re pregnant then shouldn’t You be Woman enough to understand that it is no longer YOUR Body? You’re now a host for another BODY that is inside of YOU! The Universe has given You a gift to become two PEOPLE at once and the sorry some of You only proves that You’re not worthy of it.

Because there would be no body, a funeral or grieving family and friends make it okay to snuff out a life? Because it is a socially accepted form of self-mutilation makes it okay to act on emotions without the benefit of intellect?

If You are entertaining the thought of having an abortion I am doing for You what I hope You would do for Me if You seen Me on the edge of a tall building and making threats of jumping. You wouldn’t know Me at the time…the only thought that could run through Your mind is the fact that a LIFE is in danger. You would try to talk Me off of that ledge and try to LIVE through the present problem to get to a solution tomorrow.

If You’re entertaining the thought of an abortion that’s what I’m trying to do for You at this time. I am trying to muster the words to appeal to Your HUMAN side for the sake of saving a LIFE! You may be able to talk Me off of that ledge but WHO is able to talk for the LIFE of that BABY? You are…MOM.

Remember, because something is legal doesn’t make it right. There are other choices that could be made besides murder. There are probably Family members that would take that CHILD in and love it like it is their own. I know for a fact that there are complete strangers who would.

Once again We are dealing with a hidden agenda in the group of liberals who would fight for such gruesome actions to be looked upon as human rights. The whole idea of legal abortions wasn’t at all for the caring of other humans but merely population control of the lower classes.

The hidden agenda for liberals is dangerous because it has a cult following who think that they are delivering justice and equality. You have the elitist who are well-aware of the agenda and their following who are duped into defending an erroneous liberal stance.

Pregnant Women…That Fetus inside of You is YOUR FAMILY! Maybe I’m old fashion in thinking but Where I’m from Family is valued. As a Father I would kill for My Children…Never entertaining the thought of killing them because their presence would hinder material gain. I’d give the world and everything in it for their well-being. Why? Because I am a MAN. With that being said there is no liberal policy legal or illegal that can rob Me of that nor will I let it.

As far as You liberals who fight for a cause to kill innocent babies in the name of Woman’s rights; You are no better than the terrorists that We are taught to fear. If You would be willing to ordain the murder of innocent babies then You’re disqualified from any chair in office that is to insure and protect the rights and lives of American People. Especially when You’ve shown US how much You value life in the first place. The Human Fetus has no rights? Yet there are non-profit organizations that it is their mission to protect the rights and lives of animals? Yeah, a Woman can do with Her body as she pleases…The Fetus inside of Her is a living body and it is not hers! Nobody ever asks during a pregnancy, “How is the Fetus?” They ask “How is the BABY?!”

Nope, I am not all trying to tell You that I have the right to tell You how to live Your life...I am appealing to Your better judgment so others may have the chance to live theirs.

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