Thursday, November 28, 2019

Who Is Pranceton Beacon Williams? Part 1

This was a local popular Facebook Post on 11/27/2019. You can read the charges and only ask yourself what is in the brain of this sick individual? When you visit his social media page you will see an array of different posts about bettering the Black Community, Black Empowerment and also some memes that makes just plain common sense. You will also see who he dislikes by the way that he posts their pictures and spew negative comments about them.

Keep in mind he claims to be a Christian but has a very hateful tongue when it comes to gays and anyone that doesn't agree with him. He also claims that he is financially free and that he is an entrepreneur. First we're going to reveal the mask of his character (which isn't so hard to do) then we're going to hear the voice of a woman that harbors a dark history with this man. His little Sister. Her story is like many other Black Females in America and it's time that we as a community address this issue. 

So to start, Pranceton Rodrigues Williams claims that he is a business owner. On many of occasions he had told us that he owned his own home. Well, let's examine this. In order to own a home then you must pay taxes on it which your tax bills would be registered with the local courthouse. 20 Alice Farr Dr. Greenville, South Carolina? 

Along with singer, song writer, movie producer, gospel preacher, advertising executive we can add real estate tycoon to his job hat, right? I mean damn, why out of all of those job hats that he has listed on his facebook page that A&A Real Estate LLC doesn't come up? So what kind of car does an entrepreneur drive? In this day in time it's hard to tell. I mean Warren Buffet drives a beat up pickup truck and he's worth billions. You can easily tell what kind of car a person drives as well by going to So let's see what kind of taxes does this man pay on his car. 

As you can tell, he hasn't paid taxes on a motor vehicle in over two years now going on three. Which is obvious whenever you've seen his last car he had never had a legitimate plate on the back of it. It was always a generic style 'buy here pay here' tag with a sharpie of a forever changing date. 

I personally had some dealings with him when he told my film crew that he can get money for filming if only he can be listed as a producer on the project. He talks a big game to say the least. He was good at arranging meetings and talking up the 'one day' that's never going to come. After rustling up a known director, a decent film crew and even a hair and makeup artist, it all came down to one question..."Where is the money?" 

After several meetings that never led to anything but eager film makers ready to get started and this asshole hemming and hawing, I decided to ask him directly with a straight answer, "Can you get the money or can't you?" 

So he calls me back later that night and told me that he had found an investor. All I had to do was give the investor a thousand dollars and they can get me fifty thousand dollars in movie credit. He then stated that I could give him three thousand dollars and have $150K of credit to buy the materials to film. That's not like any investment I've ever seen. He was eager and pushy about it. I dismissed him and told him that I will find another route. Let him tell it to you, he decided to walk away from the project because it was Satanic and Demonic. 

It is a horror film. I'd rather have a film that is fiction than have a real life horror story. And a horror story is a story that his little Sister has to tell. She'd rather not be named but for the sake of this blog post we will give her the name Jada. 

The young woman that Pranceton is accused of with the charges is Jada's daughter. For the sake of the blog and not exposing the names of any minor children we will name her Kayla. For any adults in this blog I will name, I will name them outright and expose them with no fucking mercy so hold on tight, it's going to be a terrifying flight. 

Kayla wasn't the only person that was sexually assaulted by Pranceton. This sick son of a bitch also molested Jada as she was growing up. 

Being that this case is still under investigation, I won't give the specific details of what the Greenville County Sheriff's Office is working with in order to have had the hard evidence to make an arrest with the three indictments but they do have hard evidence and he doesn't stand a chance in the courtroom when this case comes to trial.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

For Men Only "How to Stay Faithful"

It had taken me a while to get it but I finally got it and I am going to share this with you from a man to my fellow men. I'm not going to come at you with a religious approach. I'm not going to come at you with anything that will make you question your moral compass.

We as men are only driven by three things and they come in this order. Food, sex and sleep. We work hard on the job for money to buy food because we got to eat. We work hard to buy clothes, cars and jewelry to find a good woman to court so we can have sex and the most important part, we sign leases and take on mortgages to have a comfortable place to sleep.

When we find ourselves teaming up with a woman then we have a lot to lose if things go south. Food, sex and especially sleep will not be comfortably achieved if there is a breakup or divorce due to your infidelities.

As men we become moving targets when we're on top of the game. With a good woman by our sides we walk tall, proud and strong. That look of confidence is like a woman on her period swimming in a shark tank.

A lot of us put ourselves in a position to cheat on our spouses because when it comes to food, sex or sleep the brain can't function properly. So a woman asks you to come over just as a friend or asks you for a ride home because her car is inconveniently (conveniently) in the shop...the brain between your legs knows the coded language, the one in your head is turned off. You know the signals of that conversation that you shouldn't even be having. 

A conversation leads into a truth or dare, the dare is taken and the truth is told. Then the build up. She's looking into your eyes, you're looking into her's and then a hug turns into a kiss. The kiss becomes more physical and now you're in the point of no return. Then you get to your destination and that blood rushes back into your head and common sense takes over. Your brain is awake and asks you in conviction, "What did I just do?"

As men, we bust a nut and automatically feel regret. There have been times in my single years where when after I bust a nut, I look around and think to myself, "Man, I just paid 89.99 plus tax for this hotel room that I could've spent on some clothes, shoes, gas or video games."

As I've stated earlier, when we as men team up with a woman, we have a lot to lose. Baby batter on the brain disables you from assessing the risk before taking the invite to go into that woman's house that you had given a ride home. Baby batter on the brain disables you from even thinking of the risks involved in having a woman that's not your wife or your girlfriend in your passenger seat in the first place.

The secret to keeping a sharp and sober head is simple! Masturbate! Where men ridicule each other for masturbating, masturbation should be a part of your daily routine just like eating a good diet and exercising. If you are in a monogamous relationship and this is something that both you and your spouse agreed to then honor it!

Sex is sex and love is love but when you have to hide something you've done then you violate that trust that comes with love. If you aren't practicing some form of birth control then this applies to you even more! As men we know the best time to conceive a child is when you are sexually deprived and all of a sudden get it in!

We all as men know that the things that your woman had done for you that she is not going to do for the long haul. No, she's not going to give you that blazing head that got your attention during the honeymoon phase. As a matter of fact the honeymoon phase was over when all of that stopped. Once you become committed then you look forward to birthdays just so you can have it like you had it during the honeymoon phase.

We all as men know that after the honeymoon phase that she's not going on social media telling the world how lucky she is because she landed you. She's not going to stroke your ego and make you feel like Bruce Wayne even though you have a Peter Parker bank account.

That strange woman that's stroking your ego and appealing to you outside of your commitment is going through a honeymoon phase as well. She's not going to want to be your side piece forever. Nope! She don't even want to be the side piece to begin with. She sees what your Woman have with you and wants that for herself and not realizing that if you give that to her then your integrity as a committed man is shot anyhow!

Dude, I won't knock you for masturbating! As a matter of fact do it often. The sensation that you can give yourself is just as good if not better than you can get from stepping outside of your relationship and risking losing a good friend, your money and your relationship that you've built with your spouses' friends and family.

Don't blame lack of sex in the house for not being faithful. You will realize with a clear head that you can either avoid arguments or compromise in situations where arguments may occur. That's where masturbation comes in...not alcohol, not drugs and damn sure not stepping outside of your relationship.

For you single men, masturbation is key. Remember, MASTURBATE before you date! If you go out on a date and you are thinking clearly then you can be all in the moment. You can see the red flags that you would want to avoid. You won't overlook flaws that down the line can cost you money and heartbreak. If she's a respectable lady then she will be interested just for you seeing her as a person and not a potential fuck for the night.  If you do get lucky on the first date, you will also have stamina and give her a night she will always remember.