Sunday, September 30, 2018

Liberal Rape Witch Hunt

Okay, let's stop for a second and revisit the word 'White Privilege.' The definition doesn't match the way that the word is used loosely. I read through threads on social media this past week involving false accusations of rape where usually it were liberals that would say such things as, "False accusations only inconveniences a man," "Only a small percent of accusations are found to be false," or "Kavanaugh was just simply denied a promotion."

When looking at the numbers, there is no way to accurately pinpoint which ones are false and which are true. We're only looking at the numbers that are products of a successful appeal (which is nearly miraculous and only small victories when dealing with this corrupt system).

I don't think many of my readers (if any) are of the standards of Cosby nor Kavanaugh when it comes to wealth so let's look at this from the level of life that we're on which is the real world that we forget when we hear such things from the television.

When Men on our level of life are faced with false accusations then getting denied that job promotion, having to spend our savings in legal defense and losing a career is a really big deal and yes, we get emotional about it! Which doesn't mean that our tears are there to cover the truth.

Simply inconvenienced? This is a message to you white liberals that I have little to no respect for. You sit in the cradle of White Privilege. It seems that you say that you're against stereotypes and that you're on the side of Black People but do you know that one of the biggest stereotypes ever used was that Black Men are rapists? Throughout American history Black Men have been hung, castrated and beaten breathless over simple accusations of rape and sexual harassment.

All of the White liberals that claim that it was just an error for someone to be sent to jail yet state that being emotional is a sign of guilt I would bet have never faced time behind bars or even been to jail. I would challenge any of these libtards that are ready to throw the book at someone without all of the evidence to spend three days behind bars in their innocence and make that same light statement. 

Let them be told when to eat, sleep and shit. Let them have to eat in a place that is literally a dirty public bathroom. Dried up shit and boogers on the walls, raw sewage running under their beds, having to use a shower that is not only shared by someone with less sanitation habits or diseased, having to fight with everything in you to keep from being that person that everyone can come and sexually violate...let them live in those fucked up conditions and then claim that being emotional shows signs of guilt when standing trial of a bullshit accusation. 

The tales are endless that came down from Black generation to Black generation of seductive married White Women laying up with Black Men and claiming rape when they get caught in the act or produce a biracial child after the fact. On the note of sexual harassment, look through your history books and see what happened in the past when someone made a White Woman feel uncomfortable just for looking her in the eye or for whistling at her.

If you want to know the truth, during the whole 'Jungle Fever' trend of the 1990's, Black Parents were very rejecting of their sons courting a White Woman from the scorn that they've witnessed of their elders in such cases where rape and sexual assault was claimed that eventually claimed their lives. Whole cities were burnt to the ground leaving Black Men, Women and Children dead over false rape accusations. 

Sadly, a lot of My Black Women follow that White Liberal trend. Not only are Black Men and Black Women are pitted against each other but now Black Women are armed with weapons of mass destruction from Liberals to destroy the lives of their Men. Welfare is one and the habits of feminism is the other.

Here is a big double standard. If a Man is attractive and let's just say that he's a co-worker, cashier, fitness instructor etc and he comes on to a woman then she's flattered and more than likely it would end up as a confidence booster with a friendly rejection or between the sheets with hot passionate acceptance.

Let's use that same scenario with a man who is not so attractive. The woman is offended and feels threatened or harassed by a simple gesture that is inappropriate in his case but acceptable in the case aforementioned. The guy is called names like creep, weirdo or pervert. Now not only this man is dealing with an unkind gesture from nature but the cruel world he faces when he's at jeopardy of losing his job and if severe enough his freedom as well.

Us Men on the other hand and I speak for all races when I say this, the worst that could happen to a woman that we don't find so attractive would be either cruel jokes at the best and a denial of consensual sexual activity at the worst. We're not going to come after your livelihood, your reputation nor your freedom because you offered us some pussy. 

It is obvious that this feminist movement and participants of that movement are man haters. Yes, we know that man hatred is real. So whenever someone files false accusations then this should be punished as a hate crime. 

Sexual harassment and rape are the two oldest tricks in the liberal playbook against Black Men. You must understand something about these so called allies of yours. They've started out as racist. They label everyone that they don't agree with as one of those awful 'ist' words to deflect that they are the ones with the true label of any awful 'ist' word, shut down communication through detouring the subject matter or hurl personal insults at you when they run out of talking points. 

They give you the illusion of Freedom and tell you that you've came a long way simply because they allow cooning ass & tap dancing Black politicians in office with collaborating 'house-nigger' views to keep you pitted against each other all the while blaming 'whitey' for your suffering. As long as you are voting, blaming and protesting you are not taking personal accountability, assessing the situation nor fighting.  

Liberals claim that they are accepting of everyone and everything especially when they are different. However, if you are a Black Person with Conservative values which is truly unique by today's standards, see how quick you are labeled a weirdo, creep or even a threat to their personal safety when you try to be cool with that 'peace, love and nonconforming' type of liberal. You will also be labeled as closed minded. However, if you approach that type with a 'blame whitey' attitude, eccentric assimilation to a non-conforming culture, queer or just be the stereotype then you are welcomed with open arms and are accepted in the rotation of the marijuana.  

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Check Yourself

On thing that I've discovered over the past two weeks with the Nike situation is that there is a truth that is hidden in plain site and once that truth is addressed, progress can be made as far as race relations go in America. Whether if Collin Kaepernick disrespected the flag by his form of protest or not is an irrelevant issue at this point but we will stick that on the back burner for we will come back to that later on another blog.

The argument that I seen blow up on facebook and other forms of social media is that it is about time that the police brutality against unarmed Blacks is addressed. People are stating that they are tired of it happening and are claiming that they are feeling ignored.

Whenever there is a repeated pattern with any and everything there is also a repeated reaction. In this process adaptations are built. So let's look at the adaptations of an unjust shooting on a Black Civilian. 1. Black Civilian is unjustly killed. 2. The Killer is set free. 3. The Black Community Protest to the beat of liberal news outlets. 4. Football/Basketball Season starts or gets intense or celebrity gossip hoses down the attention span. 5. Repeat from number 1.

So Nike steps in and get the attention of the world pretty much with their stance on backing CK. It's not that as a company that Nike had changed their moral compass overnight. Just google how they are manufactured. The only reason that Nike stepped in was for a marketing strategy. They know who are buying their products and they are catering to that demographic.

I would bet you that Bass Pro Shops nor Carhartt would jump on that bandwagon. They know where their bread is buttered just like Nike knows who butters their bread.

Let's go to the bullshit free zone. Black People aren't ready in America to make a legitimate protest. There hasn't been one effective protest yet since the days of the Civil Rights Movement. Jesse Jackson made a shit ton of money while threatening to make a legit protest but that was to shake down White owned businesses to line his pockets.

Nope, You are not now ready and won't be for a long time if ever. There are many of reasons I say this but I will just give you a few so that you may draw your own conclusions. If you can't invest that same energy in deleting the vagrants of your community that sell dope on your corners that bring in gang violence, robbery, prostitution, unclean neighborhoods and draws police attention then you are damn sure not ready to stand up to White Supremacy and expect to win.

Call Me a sellout or an Uncle Tom all You want but let's keep it real when I ask You when was the last time that we've invested as much energy protesting the vagrants in our community as we do racial prejudice? Nah, racial prejudice should be the last thing on your mind. The first thing on your mind is why are there so many Black kids being murdered for their Air Jordans? What kind of sick mindset does it take to murder someone over their shoes?!

When was the last time that we've checked the dopeboy for selling his dope in the neighborhood? YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD! The place that you call home and where your kids are molded and shaped to be functioning adults. We can't sit here and point the fingers at the Whitey for supplying the dopeboy. We can't blame lack of opportunity for some finding it to be lucrative to sell drugs.

We can't blame Whitey for the fighting that takes place when there's a gathering of Black Americans.

Why haven't there been that much energy invested in the Black Community against the dope dealers that carelessly poison their people. Oh yeah, that's right...they fear the dope boy.We are not to snitch on the dope boy. Bad things can happen to you and your family if you break the snitching code of the streets. So if We as a community can't go against the dope boy then how the hell do you think we as a community are going to get the attention of the people that we deserve answers from? At this moment a sorry lot of you don't even know the questions to ask to get the answers.

A lot of You more often than not are afraid of what it takes to reach your goals in equality. There is a grim reality that you must face and that doesn't jive with your own personal agenda. MLK, Huey P. Newton and even Malcolm X had to face this one and that is the sad fact that if You are wanting to liberate your people then you are dealing with a group of people that will kill you. For these men aforementioned were murdered by Black People and don't think that MLK was murdered by a White Man for a second. We'll talk about that later on another blog.

A sorry lot of you are ready to put on t-shirts and scream someone else's research through a bullhorn and claim to be enlightened after reading a book or watching a documentary. A sorry lot of you think that you're changing the world because you post your opinion on Facebook and get some controversy in your news feed.

Oh, the liberals are wanting you to continue to do as you were doing. Keep on marching, keep on posting your opinions on facebook and keep on forgetting about what you were protesting about until the next time they blow smoke up your ass and get you hot under the collar. The reason why they are in love with your complacent stance is because it renders no satisfying results.

I heard a lot of people screaming a term called White Privilege. Oh yes, it exists but most of you don't have a clue on what is white privilege by definition. Once you see what white privilege is then you might rethink the conversations you have regarding race relations and other activities you partake in.

You don't have the privilege to live in a society where sports talk and celebrity gossip can take the center stage in your life. You don't have the privilege as a Black Man or Black Woman to split your family up and expect satisfying results from your offspring or accrue financial growth that your generations to come may benefit from. You don't have the privilege to put trivial matters before important issues. You don't have the privilege to not research whatever you're given whether it be any of the taboo topics of politics and religion.

You don't have the privilege to pass the buck on blame when there are a lot more detrimental factors that your community is facing within itself. I don't see 'Whitey' in the ghetto making camera phone produced videos of street fights and uploading it to the world for all others to see. White Privilege is to be able to look at that dysfunction and be entertained by it in a much more earnest way than you are.

I don't see Whitey regularly trying to relate to the lyrics of trap music and following a trend that he won't eventually grow out of. White Privilege is to be able to listen to that music for the beats and be able to separate his reality from the reality of the artist.

I'm not in fear of Whitey or Whitey's police department when I'm at the shopping mall on a Saturday night or at the club having a good time and some thug wants to show out and pick a fight with me because he sees weakness in my happiness. A simple ego driven fist fight can turn deadly in a matter of minutes and it's not to the fault of slavery or Whitey. Let a White Man tell you this information and many would call him a racist. Let a Black Man tell you this information and most would label him as a Coon, Sellout or an Uncle Tom.

Blaming Whitey is easy because it leaves no room for personal accountability. In no shape form or fashion that I am denying that racism exist. Racism isn't as deadly in 2018 as the internal dysfunction of our community. It's so common now that it's the prime motivation in making a good rap song, movie or television show. If it was a White Man behind the microphone spewing that same nonsense involving guns and physical violence towards the same people that a Black artist gets paid millions for doing then he would be considered a dangerous White supremacist. Dropping the N bomb in every other line would just be the icing on the cake.

Nope, as a people we are not ready to make an effective protest simply because we're not ready to clean our own act up before holding someone else accountable to clean up theirs. Jeff Foxworthy, Honey booboo and Larry the Cable Guy aren't the face of White America. Why in the hell do you let someone or a group of people who express misogyny, violence and genocide represent you as a group of people so much that it forms a hip hop culture? And you have the goddamn audacity to try and hold Trump to a higher standard? How many records you've bought or concerts you attended where you support a man who acts the same damn way? If I gave Trump a diamond plated watch, a gold chain and a microphone would you be cool with him?

You want to have an effective boycott? Boycott the music that tells our young men to be loudmouth self-destructive, misogynistic, dope smoking deadbeat dads. Boycott the music that inspires women to be whores and looked at accordingly. Boycott the media outlets that paint a horrific picture of Blacks in America.

Before you go pointing the finger at Whitey for being comfortable with your impression, point the finger in the mirror for being comfortable with your own oppression that's more deadlier of a threat in modern times than that of any Klan, Nazi or Police Department poses.

Now tell me what's the difference between the oppression that we get from Whitey versus the oppression that we suffer ourselves through? We drop the N bomb when fighting one another. We have little to no regard for the lives of one another. We quickly get jealous of one another when we see someone of our color prosper. We sit in a disturbing silence when drug dealers poison our children, women and men. We make heroes of the puppets that get in front of a camera or in a studio and portray the young Black Male as a societal nuisance. 

I'm sick of all of these protests that pumps people's heads up about racial division when this same energy should be invested in the killings of our people by our people. I challenge each and everyone of you to do something about just that.