Friday, November 11, 2016

Exposing the Liberals After the Election

This election sparked up a lot of topics and sharing of opinions. The conflicting interests of people whether the interests are educated or opinionated still deserve answers and maybe even a bridge built between the people that hold their beliefs. I will tell you my beliefs and my opinions based on facts and try not to let my emotions Segway me away from the points that I will try to convey to you to the best of my knowledge. 

I don’t share the opinions nor the views of many of liberals. There is too much under one canopy to
discuss but I will tell you the topics that are important to me at this time. First of all, we didn’t need four nor eight more years of democratic leadership in the office let alone another politician with empty promises that is well known to get nothing done except her hair and makeup. If Hillary was the best choice for President then there would’ve been several actions of hers in the past that would’ve validated her position in running. She’s been in politics since the early seventies. In that time you mean to tell me that there is nothing about her that sticks out that would’ve been something great that she could’ve used as a marketing pulley? She’s had her whole life to apply for that job. 

Black Lives Matter has no reason to even volunteer to protest against Trump. They need to ask themselves where were the record breaking numbers of Black People that got Obama into office for Clinton? The time to protest was Tuesday at the ballot box. 

Secondly, why would you want a government that will expose you to danger? Letting in Syrian Refugees? Are you kidding me? Here we have military vets that are homeless, suffers from physical and mental illnesses brought on by the wars that they were called to duty to fight in service to this country and they have to suffer long waiting lists and tedious administrative procedures to qualify for something that they are truly entitled to? Yet you can open the flood gates of our nation to refugees that are more than likely to harbor terrorists into the streets, schools and public transportation faucets of the United States? Please tell me what’s the logic in that if you can find any? 

If you have a group of five people knocking on the door of your storm shelter before a tornado and you know for a fact that one out of those five people are armed and will kill you and your family as soon as you let them into the shelter; would you turn them all away or would you put your family at risk and allow them in to be a good Samaritan? 

The way I see it, if the other four knows that there is a killer among them that will put the life of my family in danger then all five can piss off. If safety was their true concern then they’d deal with the killer among them first before showing up at my door was ever an option. 
Why would we want a continuation of a government structure that can’t answer simple questions such as these and won’t even address these types of concerns publicly? 

Now let’s talk about abortion. There is no lukewarm answer when it comes down to the brass tacks of abortion. You can’t go a little bit left or just a little bit right but one way or the other. I will ask you all this who are either prolife or prochoice. When is human life important to you? I challenge you to give a logical answer. Do you see yourself as a human being deserving of fairness, justice and equality or just simply someone that your mother allowed for you to exist? It’s sad that we live in a society that we honor the dead more than we have respect for the lives the expectations of great things to come. 

The problem is that abortion has existed for so long that people have grown to the term as an option instead of what it really is…MURDER! A person who openly admits that they are prochoice has no right to tell anyone how much they value life. The argument of a prochoice person would be that this will bring more unwanted babies into this world and put them in bad situations. What worse situation can you put a child into other than killing it? If death is the answer to relieving people of bad situations and socially rejected people then let’s bomb homeless shelters and do drone strikes on third world countries.  

A real parent that truly loves their children will die for the safety of their child…not kill their child for the peace of mind to chase a career or have more disposable income. There are three choices if you don’t want to be a parent and that’s either get yourself fixed, practice birth control or don’t have sex at all!!! 

So when I speak to a liberal on this subject, most of the same liberals are up for letting Syrian refugees into this country and sees it as harmless. Of course they would. They don’t respect human life enough to value it for someone else. 

Now for all of you Blacks thinking that Democrats are your friends, let’s keep it real. The Democrats were all about keeping you in the fields. Abortion doesn’t exist for successful people of any race but merely for population control of the ghetto Blacks and the Poor White trash. Democrats are quick to shower you with Black sympathy as their methods and policies exist only to further oppress you and destroy your family. They capitalize off of a product of victimhood that is sold to you and you’re dumb enough to think that you’re even getting that for free. 

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