Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Eve of Civil Unrest

Everything that has a beginning has an end. The end of an era in America is upon us. That era is of the true dark ages that we’ve undergone for a significant amount of time in America where Citizens grew stagnant in their comfort zones where they surrendered their inherent rights of freedom for the illusions of comfort and security. This up and coming election is not only a blatant statement of this though the warning signs were there way before Trump threw his hat in the ring or Hillary was ever taken serious to be a President.

For this circus to have gotten this far is a true sign that the powers that the citizens have invested in have abandoned their posts. It is also evident that anyone with true integrity recognizes that trying to bring about any changes in this nation as it exists today is a lost cause which left two sideshow geeks competing for the role as the ringmaster in this circus.

I personally looked upon America as a lost cause and a true circus when the first so called Black President was shoved down our throats by every media outlet by making him a celebrity. Black people supported Obama’s presidency not because of his policies but because of his skin color. The whole Obamacare scandal didn’t do anyone a damn bit of good but for the wealthy that all politicians are bought, sold and traded by each day.

When Obama was first elected into office people were vending Obama incense, cologne and merchandise. Black celebrities endorsed Obama so much and fed Black people a waterfall of Kool-Aid that if any White Man disagreed with Obama it wasn’t because of his policies but because he was racist. Any Black Man that ridiculed Obama’s policies met the equivalent of that with mindless name calling such as ‘Uncle Tom’ or ‘Sellout.’

It made me realize one thing that every single one of you should realize. We all know that Americans in general are victims of mass scale mental conditioning. Blacks more so because not only do they suffer from a generational curse of Stockholm Syndrome of their position in America but they also suffer a delusional sense of superstition and erroneous fraternization among themselves. Do you think that anyone in a higher position of thought and intellect would allow people that are as easily distracted, uneducated and irresponsible as the American People are as a whole to elect the officials that not only keep them that way but make other decisions that we deem are important?

The only thing that ignorant people are fit to do is to be sold and the sales pitch to get people to spend their money isn’t much of a pitch at all.

Do you really think that Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton achieved their positions in this primary by the decisions of an intelligent population? We can ask ourselves that same question about any Presidential candidate but this one should really take the center stage of scrutiny.

Either way it goes down, the evidence will be clear that the fate of the American People is railroaded and this will be the true beginning of Civil Unrest in America. The hand that folds first at this game won’t be the one holding or playing the race card but it will be a flush when Americans as a whole lose their tolerance.

Blacks could’ve been the source of Civil Unrest in America but they are not as organized in their positions of trying to find where they fit into this puzzle. Every Civil Rights movement was inspired by inclusion instead of the independence that the Whites as a race in America labels as civil liberty. Evidence of this is seen throughout American history where Blacks joined segregated militaries and called themselves proud Americans or when Blacks protested to commerce in White owned businesses while the economies in their neighborhoods were domesticated to the Church and the Barbershop as the only two most popular thriving Black owned businesses to exist in their areas of town today. Blacks mainly vote for democrat leadership no matter how ridiculous their policies look on paper, they are easily hyped at pep rallies during election season by anyone that will give them the false illusion of inclusion verbally.

I remember the morning when it was announced that Obama was elected as President of the United States and Blacks were celebrating at my job. I randomly asked a few of them what were the three branches of government and what were their functions? Not one intelligent answer was given to me. In their minds the Executive, Judicial and Legislative Branch rested on the shoulders of a Black Man who was going to legalize marijuana, give them the house in a gated subdivision and reverse the role of White Supremacy in America. To this very day many of them are still so drunk off of the Kool-Aid that they can’t see that they were short-changed from the ‘Change that they could believe in.’

The working class White Man that I’ve referred to in my previous post had seen this coming. The Right Wing Conservative White Man will not give up his guns and has prepared for the day to come when this country folds. While superstitious Black Christians are actively praying to their plantation Jesus to deliver them from madness; the Working Class White Man is only following the pagan inspired rituals of prayer to an Aryan image of Jesus for freedom while actively arming himself for this inevitable cycle in history to come about.

He is preparing for the chaos that will come about from this. It won’t be much of the race war that people are predicting but it is obvious who isn’t prepared for a society with no social contract being that Blacks for so long in this country tried to write themselves into the social contract from the Plantation to the Factory, Labor Unions and Office Building. He will abide by the laws and stay obedient to the laws even if those laws incriminate him and destroy his family. In his mind he has no respect for anything but the law written under the American social contract. He is psychologically programmed after years of mental conditioning to submit to servitude.
Think about it for a minute… A Black Man will rob or kill someone of his own race but will lay down the smoking gun at the commands of a White policing agency. He has become so pussified in his stance to portray himself as tough that he allows his house to fall apart with his family in it because he is told that a figment of his imagination is going to fix it. There are no tough Black people in jail or prison. If there were then they wouldn’t be in prison in the first place being that they surrendered themselves to be behind the bars and behind the fences.
The self-hating Uncle Tom Negro will make a little bit of noise in the streets to get media attention while collecting funds of charity to squander from a not so productive cause. Still yet not preparing his people for the worst outcome. So we can take a race war or a true threat from Blacks as a whole in the breaking of the social contract out of the picture. He can only survive with the hope that he social contract will be re-written in his favor. This is another reason that you have so many Blacks duped into voting for Hillary Clinton at the words of a Black President who has done everything for every minority and discriminated group in America but Black People.

When the shit hits the fan it will be of a magnitude greater than what has ever been witnessed on the American soil. Experiments of the reactions have already been set in place from 9-11 to Hurricane Katrina. When Martial Law is ushered in it would be by the people who can’t stand their own ground demanding some sort of government control to intervene.

When I drive through any city I see what a future FEMA Camp looks like and I see what a future Fortress looks like. The gated communities of government sponsored housing is what a FEMA Camp will look like and the fortresses are the gated Communities where anyone who makes more than two hundred thousand dollars a year lives in modern times. These people that comes off as pencil pushing wimps are well armed and trained with their weaponry. They are ready to survive it all. As a matter of fact they await for the day of civil unrest so they can have a reason to take back a system that is working against them and threatens the life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for their generations to come.

This should come as no surprise to you. When you look at the history of our nation it was working class Whites and their aristocratic leaders that took back a folding tyrannical system. Even the American Civil War wasn’t a war where victory was easily achieved. The idea of another Civil War in America isn’t far fetched at all. We are seeing the coming signs of it every day. In plain view militia groups are forming and military grade equipment and weaponry are on the legal market.

People support Trump because he is the textbook radical type that built this nation in the first place. I am neither a Trump nor Hillary supporter but I will say that the American people has been waiting for someone to publicly take the podium, look this system in the face and boldly call bullshit.

Okay, if you doubt any of these words to be true then ask yourself why are guns being sold at the rate that they are being sold? Do the buyers of these weapons fear violent crime reaching an all-time high which would again mean that someone has abandoned their post to bring about safety and security or that there is faith lost in a system that has been recognized to no longer work for them.

I won’t sit here and tell you that I am not afraid of what is yet to come. Right now I am staggering on the fence of should I stay or should I go. One thing for sure though that as a Black Man behind the lines of America I can see a broken future and it saddens me in so many ways. It also frustrates me to see the droves of My People that claim that they are free but are still plantation minded.
Wake up and smell the Coffee and Put down the Kool-Aid!!!!

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