Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How Trump Won the Election

The emotions were high as the next President was announced early this morning. People were satisfied to see that a textbook radical was elected as President of the United States. I was left without words. Being a Trump Supporter I was amazed that the mainstream media didn’t have enough mental mass scale conditioning power to detour voters from Trump. They pulled out their usual heavy ammunition and laid it on thick from calling him a bigot, a pedophile, a rapist and a chauvinist. He was mocked on comedy channels and was not so favored by news media outlets.

I was at a loss for words in a good way. No, I couldn’t talk about the conspiracies of the election being rigged and how foolish that the American people are and how they are easily duped by tactics of the mainstream media. One thing for sure is that if had have the election been rigged to Hillary’s favor, I don’t think that the American People would’ve taken that so lightly. We were on the brink of Civil Unrest and the American People were prepared for this. Last weekend there was not only a shortage of non-perishable items at the grocery store but there was also a greater shortage of ammunition.

The American People has lost their patience with the usual politician. The smooth talker that tells you with a smile how hopeless you are after promising hope when gaining your trust to give them their public approval on their report card to validate their office without civil unrest.

America didn’t change this morning. There is a problem that still lies before us and one of the things that brings me major concern is how or why did the elitist allow Donald Trump to get the throne? I know a major part of the reason was to prevent Civil Unrest in the American Public. His loss would’ve shown a blatant rigging of the election which I don’t think any red-blooded American would tolerate.

As people that want to see America a more prosperous and safe place? We’re still fighting an uphill battle. Where Trump may not be bought by lobbyist and foreign entities he is still surrounded by a Congress and Senate that are. He’s not in a position where he can fulfill the promises that he’s made to his voters. It sounds good on the big stage but now it’s up to the people to make sure that we hold the House and the Senate responsible for their actions.

I hypothesize that Trump’s victory was a last minute throwing in of the towel and a new strategy on how to control the American People is about to come into place. Keep in mind that the global elitist has control of the banks along with the stock market. They can easily set a great man up for failure to the point where the American people (as forgetful as they are) will beg for an experienced politician to return to office.  

It is up to the American People to keep striking the iron while it is hot just like they publicly struck the iron by overturning the report card system of approval yesterday. Then and only then will we see a great change in this country and the peace of mind that has been long waited for.

I will end this post by answering many of questions in a small statement when someone asked, ‘What do you want to see in making America Great Again?’ This too may sound a bit farfetched but I have many of people who share the same vision as my answer. I want to see the small and large entrepreneur thrive again. I want to see these communities that are torn down by drugs and gang violence flourish back to the places that they once were. The Mill Hill Communities of the South and the Inner City Blocks of the North become safer and more productive. It can be done. My hometown of Greenville, South Carolina was on its way to financial ruin and BMW along with supporting companies put the working class back to work. With this came about a great change in the city as well. Places that were once unsafe to be after dark are now scenic attractions and areas of heavy commerce including a stellar nightlife scene. Yes, America can be great again. Even though education may be the key, not everyone is college material. There must be a working class and the working class doesn’t have to be overly exploited just as the wealthy shouldn’t have to face heavy taxation for their positions in life. That’s the America that I would like to see. It takes more than a Trump Presidency to bring that about. It takes the masses standing behind those same ideas that made the Trump Candidacy a success.

Today riots and protests broke out across the country. The current powers that be said nothing in disapproval. Do you see what's happening? They are trying to vilify Trump before his presidency. Yes, they gave the people what they wanted for a season which is long enough to have to beg the global elitists to take on the reigns. This to me is evident of a destructive government in place. The polls is where people were told to choose their leaders and the people chose Trump. Who the hell needs polls when you have mainstream media to tell you what is good for you? Don't forget, it was the Clinton campaign that paid people to riot and protest the Trump rallies in the first place. 

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