One thing that bothers me in the Black Community is that if you disagree with someone's stance that has a hint of success is that automatically you're labeled as a hater. Let's examine the events of this past week for a big instance with Pastor John Gray.
I never known much about this man and to be quite honest even though he is a successful pastor of a local mega church with shows on the Oprah Winfrey Network and book deals; he's been off of my radar. Then last week he made my city famous again for buying his wife a $200,000 Lamborghini SUV.
My thoughts at first and even after seeing his video was, "So be it. He's making money outside of the Ministry and as long as he didn't use church money to buy her the vehicle then no harm no foul."
However, after doing more research on this man and his wife, I found that he's a little bit more or should I say less than a man of the cloth and the purchase of the exotic truck was just merely salt on the fries.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Saturday, October 13, 2018
White Liberals are the True Racists
Understand one thing, it was the democratic party that were the true racists. They were the ones who wanted to see your black ass in shackles by your limbs and hanging from trees by your necks. Some liberals will argue that it was a democratic president that signed the civil rights bill into place but that wasn't done for your liberation. It was done for your exploitation. On a side note I wish that My People read the 48 Laws of Power like they read the Holy Bible. My favorite Law is Law #40 Despise the Free Lunch! "What is offered for free is dangerous - it usually involves either a trick or a hidden obligation. What has worth is worth paying for. By paying your own way you stay clear of gratitude, guilt, and deceit. It is also often wise to pay the full price - there is no cutting corners with excellence. Be lavish with your money and keep it circulating, for generosity is a sign and a magnet for power."
Bring this up to any liberal and their argument would be, "Well it doesn't matter if he was a known racist. The fact of the matter is that he signed it."
Yeah, but they won't bring up the detrimental effects of this so called 'free lunch' will they? The reason that our inner cities are in ruin, families are separated and the abandonment of the Black Businesses by our own people all goes back to such trickery.
The Black Panther Party was not only protecting our streets but they were also offering the kids of the community breakfast, after school programs and medical care with certified Doctors. When the government infiltrated the Black Panther Party they took on the role of taking care of the communities....and what a fucked up job they are doing.
Yeah, Uncle Sam offers those same concessions but please examine the price to be paid when accepting those benefits. The man is eradicated from the household, the children grow up with little to no self-esteems, the police protection is laughable, the drugs are pushed into the streets by the same government that tells you that they care about you, the children are primed to take benefits from the government by means of military service, black kids are vaccinated with poison in order to be indoctrinated at schools that force a liberal agenda that causes a cycle of dysfunction to be repeated.
It infuriates me that a lot of our people are under the liberal spell. They call the Republicans the bad guys. Liberals tell you that if you are against them then you really haven't the Constitutional Right of Freedom of Speech.
Funny thing though; when a Liberal speak their point of view they can use all of the vulgar words in the English Language and they are praised as speaking their mind. Let someone from the right use those same vulgarities in their speech and they are considered racist and close minded. When a Black Man or Woman speak against the liberal narrative they are called a sellout or an Uncle Tom. While they are being mocked by their own, the White Liberals get a good laugh out of it as well.
So here is my message and middle finger to you white liberals which are the true racists. Let's take away per ratio and talk whole numbers for a bit. If we were to talk whole numbers then there are a lot more Whites in poverty than there are Blacks. There are more fatherless White kids than there are Blacks. Do yourselves a favor and stop fucking speaking for MY PEOPLE! Work on your own! Your work is cut out for you between all of the trailer park meth labs and children eating vienna sausages. Your work is cut out for you with all of the women that are either being pimped & prostituting in the streets of Black neighborhoods and White trailer parks. I promise that I won't call you racist for exclusively rendering them the same services that you feel that you need to give the Black Community.
Use that same trickery to encourage the further breakdown of their families, abort their babies and suffer the survivors of the abortion clinics to be railroaded into the military or prison industrial complex. Build them prison style apartment complexes so that they don't have to live in trailers.
I have a right to my political opinion and not be ridiculed for it. As a Black Man I find it to be 'offensive' that you would want to deprive me of just that.
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Liberal Rape Witch Hunt
When looking at the numbers, there is no way to accurately pinpoint which ones are false and which are true. We're only looking at the numbers that are products of a successful appeal (which is nearly miraculous and only small victories when dealing with this corrupt system).
I don't think many of my readers (if any) are of the standards of Cosby nor Kavanaugh when it comes to wealth so let's look at this from the level of life that we're on which is the real world that we forget when we hear such things from the television.
When Men on our level of life are faced with false accusations then getting denied that job promotion, having to spend our savings in legal defense and losing a career is a really big deal and yes, we get emotional about it! Which doesn't mean that our tears are there to cover the truth.
Simply inconvenienced? This is a message to you white liberals that I have little to no respect for. You sit in the cradle of White Privilege. It seems that you say that you're against stereotypes and that you're on the side of Black People but do you know that one of the biggest stereotypes ever used was that Black Men are rapists? Throughout American history Black Men have been hung, castrated and beaten breathless over simple accusations of rape and sexual harassment.
All of the White liberals that claim that it was just an error for someone to be sent to jail yet state that being emotional is a sign of guilt I would bet have never faced time behind bars or even been to jail. I would challenge any of these libtards that are ready to throw the book at someone without all of the evidence to spend three days behind bars in their innocence and make that same light statement.
Let them be told when to eat, sleep and shit. Let them have to eat in a place that is literally a dirty public bathroom. Dried up shit and boogers on the walls, raw sewage running under their beds, having to use a shower that is not only shared by someone with less sanitation habits or diseased, having to fight with everything in you to keep from being that person that everyone can come and sexually violate...let them live in those fucked up conditions and then claim that being emotional shows signs of guilt when standing trial of a bullshit accusation.
If you want to know the truth, during the whole 'Jungle Fever' trend of the 1990's, Black Parents were very rejecting of their sons courting a White Woman from the scorn that they've witnessed of their elders in such cases where rape and sexual assault was claimed that eventually claimed their lives. Whole cities were burnt to the ground leaving Black Men, Women and Children dead over false rape accusations.
Sadly, a lot of My Black Women follow that White Liberal trend. Not only are Black Men and Black Women are pitted against each other but now Black Women are armed with weapons of mass destruction from Liberals to destroy the lives of their Men. Welfare is one and the habits of feminism is the other.
Here is a big double standard. If a Man is attractive and let's just say that he's a co-worker, cashier, fitness instructor etc and he comes on to a woman then she's flattered and more than likely it would end up as a confidence booster with a friendly rejection or between the sheets with hot passionate acceptance.
Let's use that same scenario with a man who is not so attractive. The woman is offended and feels threatened or harassed by a simple gesture that is inappropriate in his case but acceptable in the case aforementioned. The guy is called names like creep, weirdo or pervert. Now not only this man is dealing with an unkind gesture from nature but the cruel world he faces when he's at jeopardy of losing his job and if severe enough his freedom as well.
Us Men on the other hand and I speak for all races when I say this, the worst that could happen to a woman that we don't find so attractive would be either cruel jokes at the best and a denial of consensual sexual activity at the worst. We're not going to come after your livelihood, your reputation nor your freedom because you offered us some pussy.
It is obvious that this feminist movement and participants of that movement are man haters. Yes, we know that man hatred is real. So whenever someone files false accusations then this should be punished as a hate crime.
Sexual harassment and rape are the two oldest tricks in the liberal playbook against Black Men. You must understand something about these so called allies of yours. They've started out as racist. They label everyone that they don't agree with as one of those awful 'ist' words to deflect that they are the ones with the true label of any awful 'ist' word, shut down communication through detouring the subject matter or hurl personal insults at you when they run out of talking points.
They give you the illusion of Freedom and tell you that you've came a long way simply because they allow cooning ass & tap dancing Black politicians in office with collaborating 'house-nigger' views to keep you pitted against each other all the while blaming 'whitey' for your suffering. As long as you are voting, blaming and protesting you are not taking personal accountability, assessing the situation nor fighting.
Liberals claim that they are accepting of everyone and everything especially when they are different. However, if you are a Black Person with Conservative values which is truly unique by today's standards, see how quick you are labeled a weirdo, creep or even a threat to their personal safety when you try to be cool with that 'peace, love and nonconforming' type of liberal. You will also be labeled as closed minded. However, if you approach that type with a 'blame whitey' attitude, eccentric assimilation to a non-conforming culture, queer or just be the stereotype then you are welcomed with open arms and are accepted in the rotation of the marijuana.
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Check Yourself
On thing that I've discovered over the past two weeks with the Nike situation is that there is a truth that is hidden in plain site and once that truth is addressed, progress can be made as far as race relations go in America. Whether if Collin Kaepernick disrespected the flag by his form of protest or not is an irrelevant issue at this point but we will stick that on the back burner for we will come back to that later on another blog.
The argument that I seen blow up on facebook and other forms of social media is that it is about time that the police brutality against unarmed Blacks is addressed. People are stating that they are tired of it happening and are claiming that they are feeling ignored.
Whenever there is a repeated pattern with any and everything there is also a repeated reaction. In this process adaptations are built. So let's look at the adaptations of an unjust shooting on a Black Civilian. 1. Black Civilian is unjustly killed. 2. The Killer is set free. 3. The Black Community Protest to the beat of liberal news outlets. 4. Football/Basketball Season starts or gets intense or celebrity gossip hoses down the attention span. 5. Repeat from number 1.
So Nike steps in and get the attention of the world pretty much with their stance on backing CK. It's not that as a company that Nike had changed their moral compass overnight. Just google how they are manufactured. The only reason that Nike stepped in was for a marketing strategy. They know who are buying their products and they are catering to that demographic.
I would bet you that Bass Pro Shops nor Carhartt would jump on that bandwagon. They know where their bread is buttered just like Nike knows who butters their bread.
Let's go to the bullshit free zone. Black People aren't ready in America to make a legitimate protest. There hasn't been one effective protest yet since the days of the Civil Rights Movement. Jesse Jackson made a shit ton of money while threatening to make a legit protest but that was to shake down White owned businesses to line his pockets.
Nope, You are not now ready and won't be for a long time if ever. There are many of reasons I say this but I will just give you a few so that you may draw your own conclusions. If you can't invest that same energy in deleting the vagrants of your community that sell dope on your corners that bring in gang violence, robbery, prostitution, unclean neighborhoods and draws police attention then you are damn sure not ready to stand up to White Supremacy and expect to win.
Call Me a sellout or an Uncle Tom all You want but let's keep it real when I ask You when was the last time that we've invested as much energy protesting the vagrants in our community as we do racial prejudice? Nah, racial prejudice should be the last thing on your mind. The first thing on your mind is why are there so many Black kids being murdered for their Air Jordans? What kind of sick mindset does it take to murder someone over their shoes?!
When was the last time that we've checked the dopeboy for selling his dope in the neighborhood? YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD! The place that you call home and where your kids are molded and shaped to be functioning adults. We can't sit here and point the fingers at the Whitey for supplying the dopeboy. We can't blame lack of opportunity for some finding it to be lucrative to sell drugs.
We can't blame Whitey for the fighting that takes place when there's a gathering of Black Americans.
Why haven't there been that much energy invested in the Black Community against the dope dealers that carelessly poison their people. Oh yeah, that's right...they fear the dope boy.We are not to snitch on the dope boy. Bad things can happen to you and your family if you break the snitching code of the streets. So if We as a community can't go against the dope boy then how the hell do you think we as a community are going to get the attention of the people that we deserve answers from? At this moment a sorry lot of you don't even know the questions to ask to get the answers.
A lot of You more often than not are afraid of what it takes to reach your goals in equality. There is a grim reality that you must face and that doesn't jive with your own personal agenda. MLK, Huey P. Newton and even Malcolm X had to face this one and that is the sad fact that if You are wanting to liberate your people then you are dealing with a group of people that will kill you. For these men aforementioned were murdered by Black People and don't think that MLK was murdered by a White Man for a second. We'll talk about that later on another blog.
A sorry lot of you are ready to put on t-shirts and scream someone else's research through a bullhorn and claim to be enlightened after reading a book or watching a documentary. A sorry lot of you think that you're changing the world because you post your opinion on Facebook and get some controversy in your news feed.
Oh, the liberals are wanting you to continue to do as you were doing. Keep on marching, keep on posting your opinions on facebook and keep on forgetting about what you were protesting about until the next time they blow smoke up your ass and get you hot under the collar. The reason why they are in love with your complacent stance is because it renders no satisfying results.
I heard a lot of people screaming a term called White Privilege. Oh yes, it exists but most of you don't have a clue on what is white privilege by definition. Once you see what white privilege is then you might rethink the conversations you have regarding race relations and other activities you partake in.
You don't have the privilege to live in a society where sports talk and celebrity gossip can take the center stage in your life. You don't have the privilege as a Black Man or Black Woman to split your family up and expect satisfying results from your offspring or accrue financial growth that your generations to come may benefit from. You don't have the privilege to put trivial matters before important issues. You don't have the privilege to not research whatever you're given whether it be any of the taboo topics of politics and religion.
You don't have the privilege to pass the buck on blame when there are a lot more detrimental factors that your community is facing within itself. I don't see 'Whitey' in the ghetto making camera phone produced videos of street fights and uploading it to the world for all others to see. White Privilege is to be able to look at that dysfunction and be entertained by it in a much more earnest way than you are.
I don't see Whitey regularly trying to relate to the lyrics of trap music and following a trend that he won't eventually grow out of. White Privilege is to be able to listen to that music for the beats and be able to separate his reality from the reality of the artist.
I'm not in fear of Whitey or Whitey's police department when I'm at the shopping mall on a Saturday night or at the club having a good time and some thug wants to show out and pick a fight with me because he sees weakness in my happiness. A simple ego driven fist fight can turn deadly in a matter of minutes and it's not to the fault of slavery or Whitey. Let a White Man tell you this information and many would call him a racist. Let a Black Man tell you this information and most would label him as a Coon, Sellout or an Uncle Tom.
Blaming Whitey is easy because it leaves no room for personal accountability. In no shape form or fashion that I am denying that racism exist. Racism isn't as deadly in 2018 as the internal dysfunction of our community. It's so common now that it's the prime motivation in making a good rap song, movie or television show. If it was a White Man behind the microphone spewing that same nonsense involving guns and physical violence towards the same people that a Black artist gets paid millions for doing then he would be considered a dangerous White supremacist. Dropping the N bomb in every other line would just be the icing on the cake.
Nope, as a people we are not ready to make an effective protest simply because we're not ready to clean our own act up before holding someone else accountable to clean up theirs. Jeff Foxworthy, Honey booboo and Larry the Cable Guy aren't the face of White America. Why in the hell do you let someone or a group of people who express misogyny, violence and genocide represent you as a group of people so much that it forms a hip hop culture? And you have the goddamn audacity to try and hold Trump to a higher standard? How many records you've bought or concerts you attended where you support a man who acts the same damn way? If I gave Trump a diamond plated watch, a gold chain and a microphone would you be cool with him?
You want to have an effective boycott? Boycott the music that tells our young men to be loudmouth self-destructive, misogynistic, dope smoking deadbeat dads. Boycott the music that inspires women to be whores and looked at accordingly. Boycott the media outlets that paint a horrific picture of Blacks in America.
Before you go pointing the finger at Whitey for being comfortable with your impression, point the finger in the mirror for being comfortable with your own oppression that's more deadlier of a threat in modern times than that of any Klan, Nazi or Police Department poses.
I'm sick of all of these protests that pumps people's heads up about racial division when this same energy should be invested in the killings of our people by our people. I challenge each and everyone of you to do something about just that.
The argument that I seen blow up on facebook and other forms of social media is that it is about time that the police brutality against unarmed Blacks is addressed. People are stating that they are tired of it happening and are claiming that they are feeling ignored.
Whenever there is a repeated pattern with any and everything there is also a repeated reaction. In this process adaptations are built. So let's look at the adaptations of an unjust shooting on a Black Civilian. 1. Black Civilian is unjustly killed. 2. The Killer is set free. 3. The Black Community Protest to the beat of liberal news outlets. 4. Football/Basketball Season starts or gets intense or celebrity gossip hoses down the attention span. 5. Repeat from number 1.
So Nike steps in and get the attention of the world pretty much with their stance on backing CK. It's not that as a company that Nike had changed their moral compass overnight. Just google how they are manufactured. The only reason that Nike stepped in was for a marketing strategy. They know who are buying their products and they are catering to that demographic.
I would bet you that Bass Pro Shops nor Carhartt would jump on that bandwagon. They know where their bread is buttered just like Nike knows who butters their bread.
Let's go to the bullshit free zone. Black People aren't ready in America to make a legitimate protest. There hasn't been one effective protest yet since the days of the Civil Rights Movement. Jesse Jackson made a shit ton of money while threatening to make a legit protest but that was to shake down White owned businesses to line his pockets.
Nope, You are not now ready and won't be for a long time if ever. There are many of reasons I say this but I will just give you a few so that you may draw your own conclusions. If you can't invest that same energy in deleting the vagrants of your community that sell dope on your corners that bring in gang violence, robbery, prostitution, unclean neighborhoods and draws police attention then you are damn sure not ready to stand up to White Supremacy and expect to win.
When was the last time that we've checked the dopeboy for selling his dope in the neighborhood? YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD! The place that you call home and where your kids are molded and shaped to be functioning adults. We can't sit here and point the fingers at the Whitey for supplying the dopeboy. We can't blame lack of opportunity for some finding it to be lucrative to sell drugs.
We can't blame Whitey for the fighting that takes place when there's a gathering of Black Americans.
Why haven't there been that much energy invested in the Black Community against the dope dealers that carelessly poison their people. Oh yeah, that's right...they fear the dope boy.We are not to snitch on the dope boy. Bad things can happen to you and your family if you break the snitching code of the streets. So if We as a community can't go against the dope boy then how the hell do you think we as a community are going to get the attention of the people that we deserve answers from? At this moment a sorry lot of you don't even know the questions to ask to get the answers.
A lot of You more often than not are afraid of what it takes to reach your goals in equality. There is a grim reality that you must face and that doesn't jive with your own personal agenda. MLK, Huey P. Newton and even Malcolm X had to face this one and that is the sad fact that if You are wanting to liberate your people then you are dealing with a group of people that will kill you. For these men aforementioned were murdered by Black People and don't think that MLK was murdered by a White Man for a second. We'll talk about that later on another blog.
A sorry lot of you are ready to put on t-shirts and scream someone else's research through a bullhorn and claim to be enlightened after reading a book or watching a documentary. A sorry lot of you think that you're changing the world because you post your opinion on Facebook and get some controversy in your news feed.
Oh, the liberals are wanting you to continue to do as you were doing. Keep on marching, keep on posting your opinions on facebook and keep on forgetting about what you were protesting about until the next time they blow smoke up your ass and get you hot under the collar. The reason why they are in love with your complacent stance is because it renders no satisfying results.
I heard a lot of people screaming a term called White Privilege. Oh yes, it exists but most of you don't have a clue on what is white privilege by definition. Once you see what white privilege is then you might rethink the conversations you have regarding race relations and other activities you partake in.
You don't have the privilege to live in a society where sports talk and celebrity gossip can take the center stage in your life. You don't have the privilege as a Black Man or Black Woman to split your family up and expect satisfying results from your offspring or accrue financial growth that your generations to come may benefit from. You don't have the privilege to put trivial matters before important issues. You don't have the privilege to not research whatever you're given whether it be any of the taboo topics of politics and religion.
You don't have the privilege to pass the buck on blame when there are a lot more detrimental factors that your community is facing within itself. I don't see 'Whitey' in the ghetto making camera phone produced videos of street fights and uploading it to the world for all others to see. White Privilege is to be able to look at that dysfunction and be entertained by it in a much more earnest way than you are.
I don't see Whitey regularly trying to relate to the lyrics of trap music and following a trend that he won't eventually grow out of. White Privilege is to be able to listen to that music for the beats and be able to separate his reality from the reality of the artist.
I'm not in fear of Whitey or Whitey's police department when I'm at the shopping mall on a Saturday night or at the club having a good time and some thug wants to show out and pick a fight with me because he sees weakness in my happiness. A simple ego driven fist fight can turn deadly in a matter of minutes and it's not to the fault of slavery or Whitey. Let a White Man tell you this information and many would call him a racist. Let a Black Man tell you this information and most would label him as a Coon, Sellout or an Uncle Tom.
Blaming Whitey is easy because it leaves no room for personal accountability. In no shape form or fashion that I am denying that racism exist. Racism isn't as deadly in 2018 as the internal dysfunction of our community. It's so common now that it's the prime motivation in making a good rap song, movie or television show. If it was a White Man behind the microphone spewing that same nonsense involving guns and physical violence towards the same people that a Black artist gets paid millions for doing then he would be considered a dangerous White supremacist. Dropping the N bomb in every other line would just be the icing on the cake.
Nope, as a people we are not ready to make an effective protest simply because we're not ready to clean our own act up before holding someone else accountable to clean up theirs. Jeff Foxworthy, Honey booboo and Larry the Cable Guy aren't the face of White America. Why in the hell do you let someone or a group of people who express misogyny, violence and genocide represent you as a group of people so much that it forms a hip hop culture? And you have the goddamn audacity to try and hold Trump to a higher standard? How many records you've bought or concerts you attended where you support a man who acts the same damn way? If I gave Trump a diamond plated watch, a gold chain and a microphone would you be cool with him?
Before you go pointing the finger at Whitey for being comfortable with your impression, point the finger in the mirror for being comfortable with your own oppression that's more deadlier of a threat in modern times than that of any Klan, Nazi or Police Department poses.
Now tell me what's the difference between the oppression that we get from Whitey versus the oppression that we suffer ourselves through? We drop the N bomb when fighting one another. We have little to no regard for the lives of one another. We quickly get jealous of one another when we see someone of our color prosper. We sit in a disturbing silence when drug dealers poison our children, women and men. We make heroes of the puppets that get in front of a camera or in a studio and portray the young Black Male as a societal nuisance.
Saturday, August 18, 2018
The Attack on the Straight Community
Before I get started I want to clarify that in no way, shape form or fashion that I condone the mistreatment of anyone that chooses to live any lifestyle that they want to as long as that they are consenting adults.
I recently was thumbing through Facebook and seen an article where a child was considered brave for dressing in drag. What the hell have we become as a nation and as a people when this is considered brave?
The NFL which faces attacks from both sides for the recent protests are now celebrating male cheerleaders parading as women. This is just plain disgusting. If Kapernick was protesting for the rights of gays in this nation then I would bet that the leftist agenda would push it so strongly that it would muffle the protests from the right.
Can we not see where the liberals have taken it a step further past the abortion clinic for the demise of Black masculinity which is a threat to their power structure? Think about it for a minute. I'm sure that every single one of us can agree that the strength of a Nation and any race of people in that nation starts with the domestic government.
When the nuclear family is broken let's examine two things that happen. The first thing is that the resources that are meant to gain wealth as a family are squandered when they are split. This means that a man cannot fully support his family when he's away from home and the roles are reversed. While the man is paying child support and alimony there is no way that he can be in full agreements with the woman (who usually raises the kids alone or with the help of a paramour) that can truly invest in the future of the children. Any hopes of building wealth for the future are destroyed by such divisions in the wealth.
The second thing is that there is no strong head of household to govern accordingly. This starts a cycle of future broken families. It is few and far between that people graduate from the welfare cycle. You know this and I know this. Bad habits of household governing are learned on this liberal welfare treadmill.
To take it a step further, modern Hollywood has made it the new trend to be gay. In the early 80's the trend was to be a tough and rebellious White teenager. In the early to mid nineties the trend was to be a thug with street credibility. In the late nineties the trend was to be Hispanic. In 2018 the trend is to be gay which was a tend that started gaining momentum around 2001.
It started with the women. You would see women holding hands and grinding (sexually dancing) with each other at nightclubs in order to get male attention.
Two taboo topics in the workplace is politics and religion yet the workplace is open to have rainbow flags posted on the walls of their establishments to show how gay friendly that their businesses are. Speak against your morals on that subject whether they be backed up by biblical scripture or just plain old fashion disgust and you will find yourself looking for new employment opportunities.
So let's be honest with ourselves for a second. What good comes from pushing the LGBT agenda? I mean we know that they exist. We know that the mistreatment of members of the LGBT community is punishable by unemployment. We know that police officers are not targeting members of the LGBT community nor are there any real threats to people of that community other than them being offended when you say words such as 'faggot' or 'queer.' I'm sure if names were all that any other protected group was worried about then there wouldn't be such a brouhaha of topics whenever they arise.
It seems that Black Women in modern times for the most are accepting of gay Black Men than they are of straight Black Men. Their intolerance of straight Black men is reflected in their choice of music that is marketed to them and any man hating Tyler Perry movie released. Being that mostly Black women are the single head of households, this is what makes the children such an easy target for perverse assimilation. Meaning that I don't know any self-respecting man of any race that would allow his children to attend a school at Kindergarten age where they are introduced to perversion. Yes, I said it....PERVERSION!
There is no way that I want my sons to understand what it is like to be a lady to the point where I will give them the choice to identify themselves as a bitch! No self respecting woman should want their daughters to want to identify with a dude to the point where they are given a choice to identify themselves as a dude.
Personally I would beat a man's ass who tried to even have such a talk with my sons in that fashion. You can call it gay bashing but I call it beating the shit out of a pervert.
This is just another masked attack on the Black Family to further fuck up our community. Now they are hitting below the belt by introducing that bullshit to our children cloaking it as equality. Let's call it what it is...A SICKNESS!
Only a sick person would want to identify themselves as something that they are not. Only a mentally ill person would be so delusional to justify their want to be something that they are not. If I went to a doctor and told them to bleach my skin, straighten my hair, fold my eyelids and purposely left out consonant clusters in my speech because I want to identify as Asian; I would be put in a place where I can't hurt myself.
Yet a man can ask that same doctor to be given tits, have his dick severed, given hormone pills to forge everything nature made him and he's supposed to be seen as sane to the point where it is considered a social normality?
While they are telling your kids that they have a choice to be whatever they want to be, do they tell you the bullshit that they had to go through to be that way? I dealt x in the nineties and my clientele were mostly people of the LGBT community mainly drag queens. Most of them told me stories that involved child molestation in their youths. See the pattern?
Yeah, I'm called closed minded because I don't want to open my mind to perversion nor pedophilia. Yes, I said pedophilia because there is no reason to impose sexuality on a young man nor say that it is okay for a grown man who identifies himself as a woman to use a bathroom with a natural little girl. If that's the case then let's make all bathrooms coed.
Not just public bathrooms but prisons, military barracks and college dorms as well.
As far as being the little boy being brave for withstanding the bullying that goes on in schools? Well, people get bullied for more reasons than being queer. They get bullied more for being poor, overweight, handicapped, not attractive, not athletic, being too athletic, intelligent and the list goes on. Guess what! Queers hang in the same social circles as the ones that do the bullying! They are the ones with the access to the popular girls who are linked to the popular boys. They are for the most very talented in the way that they mock others and are vocal about who they like and dislike.
If a child is bullied in school because they are gay then best believe that they are poor and gay, overweight and gay, ugly and gay, unpopular and gay or suspected of being gay with the aforementioned prefixes. These same superficial cliques of gay and straights in schools are the same cliques that you see in the office workforce but now the stakes are higher. In school they can just hurt your feelings. In the workforce they can hurt your finances if you just so happen to look at them the wrong way.
The reason that I chose to pursuit My Dreams and work for Myself is so that I am not at the mercy of such bullshit. Entrepreneurship is what We should be teaching our kids and not praising them for how cute some pervert may find them for wearing stilettos and a skirt.
I recently was thumbing through Facebook and seen an article where a child was considered brave for dressing in drag. What the hell have we become as a nation and as a people when this is considered brave?
The NFL which faces attacks from both sides for the recent protests are now celebrating male cheerleaders parading as women. This is just plain disgusting. If Kapernick was protesting for the rights of gays in this nation then I would bet that the leftist agenda would push it so strongly that it would muffle the protests from the right.
Can we not see where the liberals have taken it a step further past the abortion clinic for the demise of Black masculinity which is a threat to their power structure? Think about it for a minute. I'm sure that every single one of us can agree that the strength of a Nation and any race of people in that nation starts with the domestic government.
When the nuclear family is broken let's examine two things that happen. The first thing is that the resources that are meant to gain wealth as a family are squandered when they are split. This means that a man cannot fully support his family when he's away from home and the roles are reversed. While the man is paying child support and alimony there is no way that he can be in full agreements with the woman (who usually raises the kids alone or with the help of a paramour) that can truly invest in the future of the children. Any hopes of building wealth for the future are destroyed by such divisions in the wealth.
The second thing is that there is no strong head of household to govern accordingly. This starts a cycle of future broken families. It is few and far between that people graduate from the welfare cycle. You know this and I know this. Bad habits of household governing are learned on this liberal welfare treadmill.
It started with the women. You would see women holding hands and grinding (sexually dancing) with each other at nightclubs in order to get male attention.
Two taboo topics in the workplace is politics and religion yet the workplace is open to have rainbow flags posted on the walls of their establishments to show how gay friendly that their businesses are. Speak against your morals on that subject whether they be backed up by biblical scripture or just plain old fashion disgust and you will find yourself looking for new employment opportunities.
So let's be honest with ourselves for a second. What good comes from pushing the LGBT agenda? I mean we know that they exist. We know that the mistreatment of members of the LGBT community is punishable by unemployment. We know that police officers are not targeting members of the LGBT community nor are there any real threats to people of that community other than them being offended when you say words such as 'faggot' or 'queer.' I'm sure if names were all that any other protected group was worried about then there wouldn't be such a brouhaha of topics whenever they arise.
It seems that Black Women in modern times for the most are accepting of gay Black Men than they are of straight Black Men. Their intolerance of straight Black men is reflected in their choice of music that is marketed to them and any man hating Tyler Perry movie released. Being that mostly Black women are the single head of households, this is what makes the children such an easy target for perverse assimilation. Meaning that I don't know any self-respecting man of any race that would allow his children to attend a school at Kindergarten age where they are introduced to perversion. Yes, I said it....PERVERSION!
There is no way that I want my sons to understand what it is like to be a lady to the point where I will give them the choice to identify themselves as a bitch! No self respecting woman should want their daughters to want to identify with a dude to the point where they are given a choice to identify themselves as a dude.
Personally I would beat a man's ass who tried to even have such a talk with my sons in that fashion. You can call it gay bashing but I call it beating the shit out of a pervert.
This is just another masked attack on the Black Family to further fuck up our community. Now they are hitting below the belt by introducing that bullshit to our children cloaking it as equality. Let's call it what it is...A SICKNESS!
Only a sick person would want to identify themselves as something that they are not. Only a mentally ill person would be so delusional to justify their want to be something that they are not. If I went to a doctor and told them to bleach my skin, straighten my hair, fold my eyelids and purposely left out consonant clusters in my speech because I want to identify as Asian; I would be put in a place where I can't hurt myself.
Yet a man can ask that same doctor to be given tits, have his dick severed, given hormone pills to forge everything nature made him and he's supposed to be seen as sane to the point where it is considered a social normality?
While they are telling your kids that they have a choice to be whatever they want to be, do they tell you the bullshit that they had to go through to be that way? I dealt x in the nineties and my clientele were mostly people of the LGBT community mainly drag queens. Most of them told me stories that involved child molestation in their youths. See the pattern?
Yeah, I'm called closed minded because I don't want to open my mind to perversion nor pedophilia. Yes, I said pedophilia because there is no reason to impose sexuality on a young man nor say that it is okay for a grown man who identifies himself as a woman to use a bathroom with a natural little girl. If that's the case then let's make all bathrooms coed.
Not just public bathrooms but prisons, military barracks and college dorms as well.
As far as being the little boy being brave for withstanding the bullying that goes on in schools? Well, people get bullied for more reasons than being queer. They get bullied more for being poor, overweight, handicapped, not attractive, not athletic, being too athletic, intelligent and the list goes on. Guess what! Queers hang in the same social circles as the ones that do the bullying! They are the ones with the access to the popular girls who are linked to the popular boys. They are for the most very talented in the way that they mock others and are vocal about who they like and dislike.
If a child is bullied in school because they are gay then best believe that they are poor and gay, overweight and gay, ugly and gay, unpopular and gay or suspected of being gay with the aforementioned prefixes. These same superficial cliques of gay and straights in schools are the same cliques that you see in the office workforce but now the stakes are higher. In school they can just hurt your feelings. In the workforce they can hurt your finances if you just so happen to look at them the wrong way.
The reason that I chose to pursuit My Dreams and work for Myself is so that I am not at the mercy of such bullshit. Entrepreneurship is what We should be teaching our kids and not praising them for how cute some pervert may find them for wearing stilettos and a skirt.
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Since When Did Illegal Immigration become Political Asylum?
Lately the biggest argument that the liberals could pull out of their asses is the argument against the splitting of families of illegal immigrants. They speak in a deceiving tone of equality when in reality their agenda isn't that of justice nor equality.
Understand that liberals are the enemies of American freedom and equality. Let's examine the coded language so we can be at a full understanding. Only an enemy can be at peace with your extermination. Handing you the keys to an abortion clinic is only one avenue but with an influx of illegal immigrants would be a threat to the American culture that they hate with a gut passion. The only way to make more people to shake the foundation is to keep their families together so that they can reproduce and overthrow.
It's not that they care about family structure when pro-choice, divorce and a sickening abetting to sexual mutilation are some of their top arguments. Even the divorce laws that stems from a feminist agenda can be added in the mix of the splitting of families. Yet they all of a sudden give a shit about immigrant families staying together?
Child separation is what happens when you break a law. There are many of families broken up in America due to the parent(s) breaking of the law. In most cases they lose the rights to their kids altogether.
These liberal law makers aren't having to live around the animals that cross the border and yes I said animals. Where does the American Citizen go to seek 'asylum' when their neighborhoods are taken over by gangs? Who pays for the property damage other than the insured when these animals get behind the wheel of a car inebriated and flee the scene of a crash? Or many of stories that are told everyday like this one?
What kind of asylum are these families being offered anyhow? If they just took a good look at what liberal policies has done for Blacks then I doubt that they would find themselves in a state of asylum after they've been milked like a prized heifer for voting (public approval ratings) then left to die either in the streets or abortion clinics.
So let's just say that they are seeking asylum and you still are convinced that letting them into our country for economic reasons is the right thing to do. I will end by asking you this question. If a storm is brewing and you're in a sturdy home and there are ten people needing to get in to seek shelter but out of those ten people you knew for a fact that three or four of them will kill you and your family, would you let all ten in?
That's a decision that I don't want these liberals to make for me. First you want me to give up my guns and now you want me to be unprotected when you are allowing a criminal element into this country that is way more vicious than anything that we've ever experienced on the American streets.
So stop bashing Trump. He's doing his duty as the President of our country by keeping the People of the country that he presides over safe and secure. You can bitch when he fails to do just that.
Understand that liberals are the enemies of American freedom and equality. Let's examine the coded language so we can be at a full understanding. Only an enemy can be at peace with your extermination. Handing you the keys to an abortion clinic is only one avenue but with an influx of illegal immigrants would be a threat to the American culture that they hate with a gut passion. The only way to make more people to shake the foundation is to keep their families together so that they can reproduce and overthrow.
It's not that they care about family structure when pro-choice, divorce and a sickening abetting to sexual mutilation are some of their top arguments. Even the divorce laws that stems from a feminist agenda can be added in the mix of the splitting of families. Yet they all of a sudden give a shit about immigrant families staying together?
Wait, no open invitations to the abortion clinic being that they reproduce at a rate higher than the average welfare mom? No insane transgender or homosexual push to weaken this large population that reproduces at the same rate as roaches in a bad infestation? This is the bullshit that they are quick to suggest to Blacks and lower class Whites for a remedy to their financial and mental woes.
Child separation is what happens when you break a law. There are many of families broken up in America due to the parent(s) breaking of the law. In most cases they lose the rights to their kids altogether.
These liberal law makers aren't having to live around the animals that cross the border and yes I said animals. Where does the American Citizen go to seek 'asylum' when their neighborhoods are taken over by gangs? Who pays for the property damage other than the insured when these animals get behind the wheel of a car inebriated and flee the scene of a crash? Or many of stories that are told everyday like this one?
Any community is only as strong as the domestic government. However, the American nuclear family it remains under attack by liberal law makers. They are not on the page of protesting all of the American families that are broken up due to the welfare state that compensates women for bad decisions, the unstable home for the kids nor the bleeding of assets that keeps future generations from benefiting from strong inheritances.
So let's just say that they are seeking asylum and you still are convinced that letting them into our country for economic reasons is the right thing to do. I will end by asking you this question. If a storm is brewing and you're in a sturdy home and there are ten people needing to get in to seek shelter but out of those ten people you knew for a fact that three or four of them will kill you and your family, would you let all ten in?
That's a decision that I don't want these liberals to make for me. First you want me to give up my guns and now you want me to be unprotected when you are allowing a criminal element into this country that is way more vicious than anything that we've ever experienced on the American streets.
So stop bashing Trump. He's doing his duty as the President of our country by keeping the People of the country that he presides over safe and secure. You can bitch when he fails to do just that.
Monday, April 30, 2018
Bill Cosby's Fall from Grace
At one time I just like a lot of other Black Americans were fans of Bill Cosby. Many People of White America admired his clean comedy that could be enjoyed on a family platform. My reasoning for finding Cosby to be such an admirable figure was for the fact that he battled the stereotype that was placed on Black America when Blacks had taken the center stage on television in the early 1970's.
This was all thrown out of the window when Bill Cosby took the stage with his 'Pound Cake' speech and addressed the lower class Black Youth to pull their pants up and made a generalization of Black People in the face of the smoldering flames of racist White America. Strange how he was on the stage with that piece of shit Jesse Jackson which we will get into his shit on a later post. Evidence shows us that Jesse had Doctor King killed. I will go there in another blog. Another picture I found of this dynamic duo together was when Hugh Hefner had Jesse and Bill Cosby at the Playboy Mansion shortly after Dr. King's Death. These two men should'v used the contents of the soap box that they stand on to scold others.
Harley Davidson Motorcycles, trucks with expensive lift kits, Chevrolet Camaros and Ford Mustangs aren't cheap investments but you can find them at any given trailer park just like you can find luxurious SUV's, late model German sedans and even older American sedans with expensive tires, customized paints and annoying stereo systems in any given ghetto.
During this time was the end of the Civil Rights Movement. So it seems that once the media had taken their hands off of the Civil Rights Movement, Hollywood came in and sealed the deal and sealed the fate of how Blacks will be viewed to the nation and the world by the image that they designated to show the Black Race in.
The peaceful marches and educated leaders that were assassinated were replaced with angry, prideful, stupid and disgruntle citizens. We will talk about such shows such as 'Good Times' where a ghetto family stayed broke and the angry father had a jackass of an older son, a docile wife and daughter and a book smart younger son. James Amos was tired of playing that role of the looser so he was written off of the show by death.
Let's talk about 'The Jeffersons." This show was about a prideful Black Man that moved on up from his neighborhood with a strut because he could afford to live on the Eastside among rich White People. He was a symbol of how Blacks had given up on other Blacks and decided to gain acceptance from White America.
Then there were shows like 'What's Happening' and I don't even want to go there for the sake of time but if any of you ever seen that show then you'd know what I mean. Now we will talk about the other images that made Blacks feared such as Mr. T's character. The television altogether from targeted Black Shows to other shows in general showed Black Men as brute and mean and the Black Woman as sassy and quick tempered.
Even Cosby's 'Fat Albert' was a slap in the face. It showed inner-city Blacks in animation however there were good moral lessons at the end of each episode.
This is what ushered in the urban culture that we see in America today using rap music as the vehicle that brought this negative stereotype to the main stage.
Then something unique happened. Something that had never been done before. A different kind of class of Blacks were shown. A type of Black face that really existed but wasn't given the forefront of American entertainment...The educated Family Unit.
Not only just that, Cosby had brought to the forefront the existence of HBCU's. This show also shown Blacks interacted with each other in a more unique way than what was shown on television or what lower class Blacks could not relate to. There was no integrating nor liberal imposed race mixing needed to make this show universal for all audiences Black or White to enjoy universally.
After the uproar this caused, you could hear the chuckles from the racist peanut gallery claiming that 'Cosby was right!' Even Black People jumped on that gravy train not realizing that they had a mouth full of semen and a hunger for more.
So let's address that for a minute. Yes, the whole 'thug' culture is an atrocious theme for Black People but that is just one class of Blacks. White America has a thug culture as well but that isn't the centerpiece of their existence in the United States nor the world. The mass misogyny, binge drinking, irresponsible & over flamboyant spending habits, embracing of poverty and violence is what Whites affiliate with as being 'Redneck' in their ranks.
A White Redneck is just as dangerous if not more dangerous than a Black thug. A White Redneck will be ready to throw his life away over a dispute just like a Black thug will. If you ever get into a physical altercation with a redneck, my best advice to you would be to throw the first punch because they go for the gusto in a fist fight and they aren't too quick to tell you what they are going to do before they do it. A White Redneck for the most is armed as well.
Once again I don't hear Warren Buffet telling these trailer dwellers to not eat cheap canned meats from the Dollar Store or George Bush telling poor Whites to wear shoes and a shirt in Wal-Mart. I don't hear Bill Gates scolding White teens to not cook nor distribute meth from rent by the week hotel rooms. I don't hear Tom Brady telling overweight White teenage girls to not go to the worst of Blacks and have a shit ton of mixed bastard offspring because their self esteems are too low to get the attention of a decent man of their own race.
Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy can make jokes about the drudgery of their race and to the White race as a whole it is laughable because they know how to separate themselves from the trash of their race.
Let's do it like this...I'm going to name some people and you can only be honest with yourself what comes to mind when you think of these people. Paris Hilton, Shania Twain, Faith Hill, John McCain, Honey Boo Boo. Now one of these people will never fit in with the rest and I don't even need to say who doesn't.
Just like there is more than one class of White Man and Woman, there is more than one class of Black Man and Black Woman.
Reflecting back to Bill Cosby, he had gotten too big for his britches. As I've stated in a previous blog about him, he could've bought NBC with his wealth acquired by his influence but do you think for one second that the Jews were going to sell their cash cow to a Black Man? Leaving race out of the picture, do you think that the Jews would sell an influential media outlet to anyone with an opposing agenda? Look at what happened to Sam Cook if you want to know how they feel about empowering the Black race with finances and influence together.
They had to destroy the positive side of his legacy with these allegations. As far as the drugging of women? During the time of these accusations there was a lot of drugs being passed around at parties being that drugs was what made the party scene back then. Where were these accusations when the man had the most powerful show on the air and the financial means to even make an offer to buy NBC?
The man had gone so mad that he resorted to cooning to try and gain a positive influence on his name to move further with his agenda and that too backfired. What you just witnessed was a man's legacy stolen from him before he reaches his mortality so his memories wouldn't be of his historic achievements but of these accusations.
Now he is given the stereotypical image that was labeled on the Black Man since the first Black ever made the movies called 'Birth of a Nation' which shown Black Men as rapists. That cooning only went so far, Mr. Cosby. My Grandmother used to tell Me all of the time, "The Same faces that you step on when you're on your way up are the same ones you will see when you're on your way back down."
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Dark Skin Kind isn't Always the Dark Friend Kind
My Brothers and Sisters living in America, You were sold out! Sellout is a word that's thrown around freely in urban culture but what is a sellout? Someone who dates out of their race and talks in perfect English? Not a sellout. Nah, the ones who sold You out are a bit closer than just that.
Let's take a closer look. As a colonized People in America there has never been any defining lines of direction being that this was something that was learned on an individual basis instead of the whole. Therefor as a People there was no true cookie-cutter way of success and liberation. At one point in time We were one class of People versus our White counterparts that had multiple classes of People.
This is where the trend of labeling People of Your kind as Brother or Sister. At this moment in time in America We had the camaraderie due to similar circumstances in the face of a strange White America that We tried to identify with. This is where Our Community was formed.
In the days of segregation there were several plans that had to be established in order to become a functional community. For instance the Community was unprotected which is really what drawn Us as a People together being that there had to be alliances formed...We were just confused on who to form those alliances with like We as a whole still are today.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Dear LGBT Community...Our Struggles Are NOT the Same!
Before I get started I want to clarify something before My words are twisted and misconstrued to be gay bashing. I do understand that the LGBT community do have their struggles that they have to deal with in this Nation. However, I am disgusted by the way that during their protests that their struggles are compared to the struggles of the descendants of the colonized Alkebulans (Africans).
Last I checked, LGBT was not identified as a race of people that is to be checked off as National Origin such as White, Hispanic, Pacific Islander/Native American, Black/ African American nor Asian. Unless showing a public display of affection or appropriating the traits of another gender; nobody can look at you and tell what you are nor what genes you originate from.
Saturday, March 3, 2018
How to Unite and Make America Great for Once
It's obvious when looking at the United States of America that we don't have a United State of mind which is where we will need to start. We are all over the place when it comes to what alliances to form and what alliances not to form. Some people see the issue as Black vs. White, Black vs. Black, American vs. Mexican, America vs. Islam, working class vs. poor etc.
Let's hit on something really quick and try to keep up. The biggest thing that the liberal media press harder than anything in their social issues besides gun control is equality. Usually when the subject of equality comes up we are brought to the ugly past race relations in America which liberals often milk like a prized heifer.
One thing that we are not being told when it comes to the plight of Black People in America is that it has always been a class thing and not a race thing. Nobody
Let's hit on something really quick and try to keep up. The biggest thing that the liberal media press harder than anything in their social issues besides gun control is equality. Usually when the subject of equality comes up we are brought to the ugly past race relations in America which liberals often milk like a prized heifer.
One thing that we are not being told when it comes to the plight of Black People in America is that it has always been a class thing and not a race thing. Nobody
Thursday, February 22, 2018
How Liberals Feed Into White Privilege in the wake of Tragedy
Okay, last week's shooting was an awful thing. Nobody let alone a child should ever experience that kind of tragedy. As a society we push our kids to school and then to further education so that they may grow up and be a stable provider for themselves and eventually their families.
In the innocence of youth is where the mind, body and spirit are developed to face the world as a strong adult. Now that is something that we can all agree on. Now, let's take those agreeing points and juxtapose them to my disagreement with this liberal agenda.
In the innocence of youth is where the mind, body and spirit are developed to face the world as a strong adult. Now that is something that we can all agree on. Now, let's take those agreeing points and juxtapose them to my disagreement with this liberal agenda.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Trump 2020
I will start this by telling You all what brings My piss to a boil. It is how the major media outlets shove down our throats what is the Black Approval rating for President Donald Trump. Nobody and I mean nobody that represent CNN, Fox News, MSNBC nor the local barbershop gossip monger asked my opinion as a Black Man in America what my personal approval rating is for Donald Trump.
So who are these major media outlets collecting their data from to broadcast to this country and the rest of the world what We as a People think of Donald Trump? I mean if I am Black, in America and is put in a socially accepted stereotypical box then shouldn't my voice and the voices of many like mine be heard as well or does that not fit the mental mass scale conditioning of the agenda that our media outlets are trying to push?
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Marijuana is Not Addicting?
There are many of arguments that marijuana should be legal because it isn't addicting nor does it have the side effects as harder drugs or legalized vices such as alcohol or cigarettes. Domestic violence, motor vehicle tragedies and a slew of bad decisions are all things that alcohol serves as the centerpiece of. Lowered self-esteem, loss of reason when committing crimes such as theft and prostitution are all things that are the centerpiece of harder drug usage. However, marijuana is always shown as humorous, harmless and healing.
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