Let's hit on something really quick and try to keep up. The biggest thing that the liberal media press harder than anything in their social issues besides gun control is equality. Usually when the subject of equality comes up we are brought to the ugly past race relations in America which liberals often milk like a prized heifer.
One thing that we are not being told when it comes to the plight of Black People in America is that it has always been a class thing and not a race thing. Nobody
in America is targeted for hatred, exploitation nor dehumanization because of their race. Yes, where many unfair stereotypes & racist mind frames are based on stereotypes, to think that the division line in America as a whole is drawn simply on race is extremely absurd.
A good case in point is the way that Blacks interact with each other and I can illustrate this without getting into Black on Black crime. I will just simply point out the Black workforce. How many Sisters are in middle management positions at semi-White collar jobs that make life harder for their Black co-workers and especially the men. In blue collar textile & manufacturing type settings where Blacks are hired a dime a dozen, how many times do you see Blacks causing drama with other Blacks in the workforce whether it be cracking jokes and workplace violence being a result when the jokes have gone a little too far?
In these situations where Blacks know the plight of other Blacks, in these places of employment you will find that it is Black People trying to get other Black People fired from their positions by dry snitching to the manager or sabotaging their productivity. Yes, it happens and it happens more often than not. This doesn't get a public platform when we're talking about the plight of Blacks in America because it doesn't fit the liberal agenda.

Another subject that doesn't fit the liberal agenda is that of the rate of Police Shootings among Whites than there are shootings among Blacks. Being that Whites are more dominant in our society and by the numbers on the census they outweigh Us, it would be safe to say that not all Whites in America are upper, middle to even working class Whites which means that there are a lot more Whites in poverty using whole numbers and per-ratio than there are Blacks.
Before I continue I must say that not everyone that is left minded are a part of the liberal agenda. Some people who are left minded do so with good hearts and good intention and are without seeing the full picture and all of it's spectrum for they too have been manipulated by their leaders.

The bully cop doesn't treat your Black ass any better or worse than they do the White Man from the trailer park. You are not seen as a whole no worse or less than the Whites that live in similar or worse conditions than you do. This is why our ancestors related to and culture was strongly influenced by the Irish immigrants of old.
As a People we must Unite! The Liberal agenda is so much against that to the point where they hire yes-man Uncle Tom politicians with collaborating house-nigger views to infiltrate the Black Churches in the Black Community and the only reason that us as a whole fall for it there is that this is the only place where people let their guard down. Blacks can't see past the bullshit of these pulpit pimps. They negate their common sense and their minds are open to believing in pie in the sky, talking snakes all the while embracing a White savior on their walls. No better place to attack the mind other than a place where people let other fictitious bullshit in. The best way to introduce a new intoxicating beverage is in a bar.
It was yes-man Uncle Tom politicians that sold the Black church a load of ridiculous ideas while cloaking them as progress such as integration and abortion which are detrimental to the Black Community.
One could easily write a book about the many of ways that liberal leaders move forward to keep America divided and conquered with the Black Community only being a small part of the fraction literally.
However the Black Community is a good experiment in micro compared to the American Population in Macro. The reason that Blacks make such a great experiment is because their culture and mental breaking binds them together to identify with each other as a race and also as victims. They were once family people and practiced herd conformity.
A wise man once told me that if you want to know the state of White America in the next two decades then look at the state of Black America today. It makes more sense to me every time I think of that phrase.
Keep in mind, working class Whites are well aware of this. It was the working class White Man throughout the history of this country that would fight and die for his freedom. He's very protective of his family and his civil liberties. He also has children that studies a martial art of some sort if he not studies one himself. You can best believe he sees past the liberal smokescreen with all of the recent protests on gun control.
They see the liberal controlled media and how it is targeted to the minds of their children to reject the good wisdom & values taught but to accept family dysfunction, promiscuity, glorified violence, justified drug use and emasculation of the strong male figures.
Understand one thing about the liberal agenda...It is so smooth with it's methods that it can have you accepting it just because there is one thing about you that can relate to it. It's like a cult. A cult that says that you are a victim so therefore this is the side of the aisle that you belong to. You're Black and you faced years of racial discrimination...although your injustices and real setback comes from liberal policies that handicap the financial betterment of your community and the silence from the other side of the aisle is not because they are ignoring you but everyone is being treated equal.
A cult that says You are a Woman so therefore you are subject to sexism. You belong to us because we will push for your equality even though Western Society and mainly the people on the other side of the aisle that you were taught to be cruel and silent was the first society in modern history to bring about Women's suffrage.
Now you are standing on a slippery slope that is ready to take on everything else with open arms. While you are rightfully seeing people for who they are as a person you are now embracing ideas and thoughts that are detrimental to the stance of a strong society. Open the borders for immigrants that doesn't legally want to enter the United States in order for equality while neglecting the fact that droves of immigrants harbors bad elements that jeopardize your safety and further destroy your financial position. Anyone that makes you aware of that are evil, greedy and racist pigs.
Now you are ready to rewrite the same Constitution that assures your voices to be heard. You forget about history and the need of the Second Amendment which grants you power to keep the balance of power in place that the government should be fearing....WE THE PEOPLE!
Laying down your arms and making demands isn't the way this works nor has it ever. I understand that people on the left are very kind and wants the solution and expediently. The leftist agenda is one of White privilege. No, you can't compare the struggles of Blacks under the same canopy as Gays or Hispanics and damn sure not the LGBT Community.
If we are going to Unite as a Nation then We must see that things are put into place to make that happen so then and only then We will have control of the Government that is meant for the People and by the People because this bullshit isn't right now.
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