So who are these major media outlets collecting their data from to broadcast to this country and the rest of the world what We as a People think of Donald Trump? I mean if I am Black, in America and is put in a socially accepted stereotypical box then shouldn't my voice and the voices of many like mine be heard as well or does that not fit the mental mass scale conditioning of the agenda that our media outlets are trying to push?
During the Obama Presidency if had have I gotten my data from the depths of the trailer parks in Bakersfield, California or Jenna, Louisiana then of course I could mask the disapproval of the Obama administration as that of White People as a collective whole hands down.

I am not the voice of Black America, I am a voice in Black America. Black America does not come in one class to be put into one category. That would be as ignorant as putting all Whites in one category. Step out of your house and go to any public gathering and you can clearly tell the difference between the White Man from the trailer park versus the White Man from the subdivision. If you are culturally inept shop at Walmart then shop at Whole Foods.
This whole victim-hood thing has become a cash crop for liberal media as we are being shown every day. Now one of the uproars is that Trump is cutting welfare. How are the kids are going to eat is a question that a slew of modern Black celebrities bring up in their arguments against conservative politics. My question in return is whatever happened to that spirit of Black unity that flourished in the sixties where communities took care of themselves?
Black celebrities brag of wealth from being able to have the buying power to afford the new Jordans, jewelry, luxurious sports cars and nice homes. They boast with delusions of self grandeur of being parvenus from avenues of sports and entertainment. Yet they dare raise the question how are the people of their race is going to eat when at any given time there is no juxtaposition of conservative politics on the table; they are calling their people haters because they haven't acquired their wealth? Rap artist for the most disrespect the Black Woman (the most unprotected Woman in America) as they boast of the gun play that spills Black blood in the streets of America. They have no genuine stance of solidity yet their words are given public platforms of virtue by liberal controlled media outlets when it comes to police shootings and poverty among their race? Dare disagree with this stance as a Black person. You would be called a hater because this other person makes more money than you do and your valid points will be met by snide remarks and jokes with little to no punchlines in their defense.
Not too long ago rap artist Snoop Dog had done a video where the message he was conveying was shooting the President. Snoop Dog was made to be the glorified dope addict, admired gang banger, the envied misogynist emcee and the list goes on. Now these same liberal people that defended these actions under freedom of speech pretty much crucifies Donald Trump for saying 'pussy' or calling countries that you and I both would call shit holes while we're sipping whiskey under the luxuries of a western world roof?
Under the canopy of capitalism we have the power to vote with our dollars. If we fear that a certain group will starve then we can pool our money together and fix that problem if we can get past the stupidity. Look at how much money is spent on Christmas gifts versus how much money is invested into communities to better them. How did the betterment of our communities get put on the back burner when in comparison to Christmas gifts?!
How much sense does it make to see how many Black Dollars go into the commercialism of Christmas just to turn around in the New Year and await tax time like a child on Christmas Eve to break even? Without a government cushion these are questions that will be answered with actions. Such actions would cause people to be wiser with their spending habits and invest in long term solutions. Solutions that will not leave the future generations repeating the same detrimental cycles of the past.

My opinion formed about the Candidate that lost not by what she had or didn't have between her legs but by the lack of what was between her ears. While yet there is still racial tension going on in America; it is not the centerpiece of the wedge that drives us apart and keeps us from moving forward as a Nation.
If the Capitalism that we all have grown to love for it's luxurious concessions will survive then it will be from a Nation of People that can take personal accountability over their own lives.
I'm team Trump all the way and the reason why is that America needed a textbook radical politician. Men like Trump are men who we read about in our textbooks just in case you didn't catch the pun.
So I am not labeled as an Uncle Tom by those of you brainwashed by Liberal Media I decided to give you a list of people that you can do your own research on that were Black Conservatives but were called terrorists and troublemakers because of their stance.
Huey P. Newton- The founder of the Black Panther Party of Self Defense= Right Wing Conservative
Malcolm X- Nation of Islam= Right Wing Conservative
Bobby Seal- Black Panther Party of Self Defense= Right Wing Conservative
Medgar Evers- Civil Rights Activist= Right Wing Conservative
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