Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Big Mammy gets Offended for Surgeon General Saying Big Mama!?

I am beyond disgusted with the narrative of the left yet envious of their ability to have that kind of mind control over a certain group of people in our race....we will just call them 'duppies.' Duppies on social media attacked The Surgeon General for saying "Do it for Your Big Mama" when instructing Black People to practice social distancing being that as a people this virus affects us more due to our poor health habits.

The man was called all kinds of Sellouts, Coons, Uncle Toms, Trump Lap Dogs etc. They even posted a picture of him and his what looks to be Caucasian wife as if the Brother traded in his Black card because he married out of his race. 

A Duppy is a follower that sometimes forge themselves as a leader. Their level of ignorance is borderline stupidity and mental retardation. Try to debate a duppy on this with common sense and just like the liberals that pulls their strings, they either change the subject, resort to childish name calling or shut down communication altogether. They are more interested in being seen as right than actually being right. 

Duppies in modern times come in the forms of Black Clergy, Black Political figures and the most common are the wannabe Social Justice Warriors that's watched a Youtube documentary or brought themselves to sit through the movie 'Roots' now they're on a mission to save Black People as if anything said or done on a single Facebook post is going to influence anything major other than spreading more ignorance.  

Duppies had gotten upset because the Surgeon General said "Big Mama" while referring to the Grandparents or elderly Black Women in the Black Community. Let me get this straight...A Black Man uses slang language that Black People uses and he's now called a Coon, Uncle Tom or Sellout?
Why? Because he said it in front of White People? 

Well, if that's the case being that rap music has mostly White consumers, are all Black rap artists that refer to the Black Woman as a bitch or the Black Man as the N bomb considered sellouts and Uncle Toms? Not only do they use this language but they poetically speak on how they kill other Black People, rob from other Black People, gloat their ill-gotten wealth in front of Black Men to fuck their wives and they put the light skinned and White Woman on a pedestal! 

'but but the Surgeon General is not an entertainer...he should be more professional!' would be the argument that a duppy would scream. Well, glad you went there. I will first ask, who wrote the rules in the way that Republicans and Democrats can talk in politics? 

Where was the uproar when Hillary talked about bringing her hot sauce with her to appease 'Black America?' Where was the uproar when Bill Clinton was named the first Black President just because he played the saxophone and experimented with reefer? Was there an uproar and accusations of racism through stereotypes when Pete Buttigieg pretended to be drinking a forty ounce of beer?! Besides a laugh at the 'White boy with no rhythm, were there anyone throwing stones at Tom Steyer for backing his ass up on stage with Juvenile? 

Yet the NAACP reaches out to our Surgeon General and tells him to deliver a message to Black People and he gets crucified for using urban slang that he himself admits to using and he's Black his damn self?! 

I bet these same duppies posting this dumb shit about him have Tyler Perry movies in their collection and many duppies actually is the reason that Tyler Perry is wealthy. These same duppies got a kick out of watching Martin Lawrence put on a dress and damn sure snickered and cackled their way through 'Big Mama's House.' 

The NAACP and other organizations reached out to the Surgeon General so that he may tell the Black Community to take this serious and dispel the myth that Black People are exempt to covid-19. While the whole country is pretty much locked down in the practice of preventative measures, this video surfaces and those same people that are still shit talking the Surgeon General for saying Big Mama ain't saying shit about this! Trump is catching heavy blame for not reacting sooner (when we all know that's bullshit) yet the responsibility was given to this group of people and there are no duppies making mass tweets or Facebook posts about it.

Bottom line, Big Mammy used race baiting tactics for Adams saying Big Mama. Big Mammy should've been on the same page being that Adams clearly stated that we should watch the way that we eat and stop the drugging. 

Big Mammy, we should watch the way that we eat! Put down the bullshit that you shove into that cocksucker of yours and take better care of your health. 
If Big Mammy was on the side of her people she would be encouraging them to be on the same page. Where was big Mammy when this video was shot on Sunday after she crucified Adams on Friday for trying to save Black People's lives?! Where are her thoughts? Race baiting pieces of shit like her makes me sick! 

If aliens came from the sky at this very moment, her and other libtard reporters would report a booger being in Donald Trump's nose and the alien invasion would be secondary! 

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