Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Dark Skin Kind isn't Always the Dark Friend Kind

My Brothers and Sisters living in America, You were sold out! Sellout is a word that's thrown around freely in urban culture but what is a sellout? Someone who dates out of their race and talks in perfect English? Not a sellout. Nah, the ones who sold You out are a bit closer than just that.

Let's take a closer look. As a colonized People in America there has never been any defining lines of direction being that this was something that was learned on an individual basis instead of the whole. Therefor as a People there was no true cookie-cutter way of success and liberation. At one point in time We were one class of People versus our White counterparts that had multiple classes of People. 

This is where the trend of labeling People of Your kind as Brother or Sister. At this moment in time in America We had the camaraderie due to similar circumstances in the face of a strange White America that We tried to identify with. This is where Our Community was formed. 

In the days of segregation there were several plans that had to be established in order to become a functional community. For instance the Community was unprotected which is really what drawn Us as a People together being that there had to be alliances formed...We were just confused on who to form those alliances with like We as a whole still are today.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Dear LGBT Community...Our Struggles Are NOT the Same!

Before I get started I want to clarify something before My words are twisted and misconstrued to be gay bashing. I do understand that the LGBT community do have their struggles that they have to deal with in this Nation. However, I am disgusted by the way that during their protests that their struggles are compared to the struggles of the descendants of the colonized Alkebulans (Africans). 

Last I checked, LGBT was not identified as a race of people that is to be checked off as National Origin such as White, Hispanic, Pacific Islander/Native American, Black/ African American nor Asian. Unless showing a public display of affection or appropriating the traits of another gender; nobody can look at you and tell what you are nor what genes you originate from. 

Saturday, March 3, 2018

How to Unite and Make America Great for Once

It's obvious when looking at the United States of America that we don't have a United State of mind which is where we will need to start. We are all over the place when it comes to what alliances to form and what alliances not to form. Some people see the issue as Black vs. White, Black vs. Black, American vs. Mexican, America vs. Islam, working class vs. poor etc.

Let's hit on something really quick and try to keep up. The biggest thing that the liberal media press harder than anything in their social issues besides gun control is equality. Usually when the subject of equality comes up we are brought to the ugly past race relations in America which liberals often milk like a prized heifer.

One thing that we are not being told when it comes to the plight of Black People in America is that it has always been a class thing and not a race thing. Nobody