So My Brothers and Sisters....this is the point in the game that we must shut up and be cool. Observe the behaviors of these so called Liberals then get back with me about what you learn when you just shut up and pay attention.
What defines a person or group of people that rise to power is not only how they obtain that power but how they stay in power. One of the methods that I disagree with of progressing race relations in America is the non-violent movement of Dr. Martin Luther King. The good that came out of it is that it shown America and the world the tyranny suffered by Blacks even when they weren't fighting back under the conditions that human beings are supposed to react when they are being attacked.
In the midst of it all race relations kept getting more intense and has gotten worse while we were mistaken things as getting better. Most Blacks feel that this whole movement of Democrats in office is a progressive move when it is totally opposite of that. Let's take a closer look.
We can all agree that the strength of any community starts with the bondage that a domestic family contributes to it. You destroy the family unit and the community will become just as frail. Above and beyond heart disease, cancer, isolated police shootings and high crime rate; the number one killer of Black People are abortions.
There is a major disconnect between Black Man and Black Woman and this also stems from a Liberal idea called feminism. My Sisters, one thing you must understand is that this idea may be a good idea for our White counterparts but this is a terrible idea for Us as and our People in general.
Even the conservatives among their race shuns this idea and it is not to keep their men in power but to keep them (White Male and White Female) in power as a whole. Where the White Feminist may have a problem with the way that their domestic household is governed, they have a domestic household to dispute the way it is being governed.
Rarely do you ever hear a White Man or White Woman (unless they are White Trash) refer to the non-custodial parent with the dehumanizing and derogatory term Baby Mama or Baby Daddy. That is the language of a race of people that suffers from hatred and dehumanization more detrimental than any racial prejudice that the mind could ever muster to exist and the numbers show it.
White liberals will have you to believe that in order to be their equal counterpart in society that you must commit acts of self mutilation, denial of gender and genocide! Yet these motherfuckers have more sympathy for the mistreatment of animals than they do for the murders of your black ass! Oh, they care about you because they come out and rally for the cause whenever there is an isolated police shooting or a hate crime?! Isn't taking the life of an innocent BABY because you don't like the father or it will interfere with your dreams of wealth (that many chase into the grave) or inconvenience Your career path. The whole idea of chasing higher dreams is so that you can better support your family and yourself!
Brothers and Sisters, quit falling for that bullshit! You will even admit that the most important thing in this world is the ties that you have with your family. You would be considered a stone cold bitch if you sat back and watched Your Brother, Cousin, Mom, Dad, Aunt, or Uncle, Son or Daughter fall prey to an attack while you sat back and done nothing either out of fear or intentional malice! How is it so acceptable to accept the fact that YOUR FAMILY is being aborted into extinction?
That Sister that You may impregnate in the midst of either meaningful intimacy or temporary heated passion becomes your FAMILY as soon as a LIFE is conceived by YOUR conscious actions fueled by your desires!
When a liberal brings up rape as an argument then that is telling me that they see a majority of 15.5 million and rising of our people as rapists! Does this stereotype sound familiar to any of you or am I the only one who sees through this bullshit!?
These White Feminists aren't Your friends! How can they relate to You on any level other than the fact that they have a vagina? My Sisters, look at the power that their men have versus the power that your men have! Besides in the sports and entertainment field, how many of Your Men have enough power that they don't have to answer to theirs?
Liberals encourage Black People to rally enough, vote the right way and things will change. Just give it a little more time and things will change. Of course from their stance they can say that with a straight face. They are not wearing your shoes and the powers that be aren't crushing them as bad as they are crushing you.
That's how they can have the audacity to call the cold blooded murder of an innocent child and the genocide of an already oppressed People a fucking choice while ready to beat you with whatever heavy and blunt object they can get their hands on if they see you being abusive to an animal.
If that is how they feel about a child of your race then we can only imagine the importance that they put on You as a developed person!
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