If mass shooters (and we have many of them in the media), White Supremacist hate groups and meth dealers do not make the White race look bad in it's entirety then thugs, gangbangers and drug dealers shouldn't represent the Black Race as an entirety.
So to you self-righteous, wannabe upity Blacks that even have the notion to think this nonsense will you do the rest of us a huge favor and please have a warm glass of shut the hell up?
The whole concept of sagging pants in counter-culture is about 25 years old. The whole welfare system in existence is coming up on 44 years. The popularity of the word thug in modern culture is about 22 years old. Vulgarity in Hip-Hop is 27 years old. Integration into the White Community on a mass scale is about 47 years old.
So you mean to tell me with the higher numbers being less than half of a century that racists dislike certain things about your ass that has nothing to do with the 400 years of oppression, the mass genocide, kidnapping and torture let alone the acts of terror on our people that continues unto this very day over the trivial reasons that I've mentioned in the previous paragraph?
Have we forgotten that ingrained in America's blueprint are the genocides of the Natives of this Continent and the exploitation of the kidnapped peoples of the African Continent? Before you Irish People get started here's a strong word of advice...miss me with the dumb shit about your oppression. Especially when because of your skin color your were given a pass in the old British game of institutionalized racism.
There was no bad media publicity nor thugs when the Jim Crow era justified the mistreatment of Black People at best and the murder of Black People at worst. American White People aren't feeling shamed for their race when cars are being plowed through crowds at protests (or even the protest altogether), they aren't hanging their heads in shame when mass shootings occur nor are they feeling shameful when television shows like 'Jackass' and 'Jerry Springer' are aired showcasing the stupidity and ignorance in the drudgery of their race.
In this Capitalistic society they actually have drafted a form of Socialism to exist within that same free society just for your Black ass. That's why when welfare, child support and family breakdown is handled within our communities we are familiarized with judges and caseworkers that act outside of the United States Constitution called D.S.S. (DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES).
D.S.S. is for Black People what FEMA is for White People in the know. Trust and believe our White counterparts aren't learning how to shoot, teaching their kids martial arts or are becoming a trending of 'Preppers' because they are ready to lay down and let become active of them what is active upon your ass in present times. That's another story for another blog...the next blog.
When it comes down to the hatred that exist within our communities, we must unlearn what we've been taught about ourselves. We've become so much like our oppressors that it shows in everything that we do in this nation right down to our interactions with each other. Hip Hop music is nothing more than trying to upstage the next Black Man or Woman while preaching to the masses (both Black and White) of why their lives are being devalued.
In the private business sector we've allowed our businesses to close down and with our 1.3 trillion annual buying power in our communities support every other power structure but the ones that are most beneficial to us.
In the corporate business sector you will often see a competition of White affection by useless name dropping and other petty behavior of braggarts as Black employees strive to have other Black employees terminated for trivial reasons.
Often we 'hate' on each other and the sorry some of us that talk about 'haters' are the ones who are intentionally going out of their way to show how successful they are than their Brothers and Sisters who are still in the trap. Having 'haters' is a symbol of success.
Unfortunately We are not there yet to create middle class in America of our people and the reasons why is that we will always be seen as the same. Either you are extremely rich, extremely poor or often exceptional all the while seen as one class of people.
Think about that for a second. During the last election and every other election before the media would tell you all about the White Vote over age 30, the White vote that is college educated and the White vote that is not college educated, the middle class White vote and the poverty white vote but when it came down to the Black vote...the Black vote was just the Black vote. They publicly announce that they don't divide you in classes so they can see you as one race instead of different classes.
Trust me, the college educated Black thinks differently than the non-college educated Black. The Black person under 30 often thinks different than the Black person over 30. The Black person in poverty thinks differently from the middle class or the wealthy Black person. No, we are not the same but if we are being put in the same detrimental position then unfortunately we have to look out for one another even though there are some weak links in our ranks.
So when I hear house-niggers trying to scold Black people publicly to get themselves in the good graces of White people; it makes me sick to my stomach. They usually carry the same trait of sitting stupid while they allow racist Whites to spew their hatred that goes deeper than the spirits that these coons could ever muster. They will justify the N-bombs being dropped by saying, "Well Black People call each other that word. Why are you upset?" Please refer to my "The N Word" for my answer on that one.
The problem with most of these Uncle Toms is that they feel that one day that they can be in the good graces of the same people that hate their guts. Why would you want to be in the good graces of anyone that don't even see you as a human? How could you just try and even look to a promising future when the past was filled with merciless acts of terror?
So when someone has the fucking audacity to come out of their cocksuckers with the phrase, "I'm sick of all of this talk about race" then I tell them, "So the fuck am I!" Do you want me to shut up and pretend that everything is alright and really expect me to believe that we all bleed red so therefore color doesn't matter? Well if it didn't matter then we wouldn't be having these conversations whenever a police officer gets acquitted after gunning down someone in cold blood. We wouldn't have these talks after a man who openly rejects the idea of the Constitution was voted into office where he swore to uphold those principles.
If you think that our young people pulling their trousers up, turning down their music, not using profanity in public, getting a job that pays less than their welfare benefits and praying to Jesus is going to get these people that hate you or just don't even acknowledge your plight to one day turn over a new leaf then you're a fool.
If you think that publicly mocking the class of your people and that every Black Man and Black Woman is a diplomat of their race then you're a fool. If talking in broken English and not living up to the standards of the Black Middle Class or the wealthy is setting back race relations then what have Whites done as a whole to repair race relations? Why aren't they held accountable far as race relations go for 'Honey Booboo, Duck Dynasty, mass shootings, the largest Holocaust that started this nation, the continuing hijacking and hoarding of the world's natural resources while they leave the people of those countries they rob in economic and social disarray or the money spent in carrying out such acts of terror around the world?
Are these people that you really want to be cool with or to one day develop a trusting friendship?
If you want to be an inspiration to your people then lead by example. Start your own career where you are a financially independent person without having to sing, dance, throw a ball, run or fight in some modern day Mandingo gladiator sport.
Understand one thing. None of these racists really want to see you succeed as a whole. Your success was not then, not now and never will be in the Blue Print of America. While you are dumb enough to go to the polls and think that some White Man that represent the same government that put you where you are is going to rescue you from where you are is as dumb as a rape victim expecting a rapist to stop simply because he is told to stop.
The exploitation of yourself and your offspring is not a plan that they can afford to end. They need someone to fill the spots at slave chain restaurants like McDonalds and Taco Bell. They need people to join the military voluntarily where before integration (when we had our own financial power structures that created our own economic opportunities) our kids had to have been drafted. They need people to be verbal punching bags in these semi-professional positions that the only requirement is a high school diploma and a clean background check prior to having urine sifted. They need people whose dicks get hard when they hear $16-$20 an hour without even worrying about the dangerous working conditions, health hazards nor the instability of long-term employment in these textile and manufacturing plants.
Unfortunately We are not there yet to create middle class in America of our people and the reasons why is that we will always be seen as the same. Either you are extremely rich, extremely poor or often exceptional all the while seen as one class of people.
Think about that for a second. During the last election and every other election before the media would tell you all about the White Vote over age 30, the White vote that is college educated and the White vote that is not college educated, the middle class White vote and the poverty white vote but when it came down to the Black vote...the Black vote was just the Black vote. They publicly announce that they don't divide you in classes so they can see you as one race instead of different classes.
Trust me, the college educated Black thinks differently than the non-college educated Black. The Black person under 30 often thinks different than the Black person over 30. The Black person in poverty thinks differently from the middle class or the wealthy Black person. No, we are not the same but if we are being put in the same detrimental position then unfortunately we have to look out for one another even though there are some weak links in our ranks.
So when I hear house-niggers trying to scold Black people publicly to get themselves in the good graces of White people; it makes me sick to my stomach. They usually carry the same trait of sitting stupid while they allow racist Whites to spew their hatred that goes deeper than the spirits that these coons could ever muster. They will justify the N-bombs being dropped by saying, "Well Black People call each other that word. Why are you upset?" Please refer to my "The N Word" for my answer on that one.
The problem with most of these Uncle Toms is that they feel that one day that they can be in the good graces of the same people that hate their guts. Why would you want to be in the good graces of anyone that don't even see you as a human? How could you just try and even look to a promising future when the past was filled with merciless acts of terror?
So when someone has the fucking audacity to come out of their cocksuckers with the phrase, "I'm sick of all of this talk about race" then I tell them, "So the fuck am I!" Do you want me to shut up and pretend that everything is alright and really expect me to believe that we all bleed red so therefore color doesn't matter? Well if it didn't matter then we wouldn't be having these conversations whenever a police officer gets acquitted after gunning down someone in cold blood. We wouldn't have these talks after a man who openly rejects the idea of the Constitution was voted into office where he swore to uphold those principles.
If you think that our young people pulling their trousers up, turning down their music, not using profanity in public, getting a job that pays less than their welfare benefits and praying to Jesus is going to get these people that hate you or just don't even acknowledge your plight to one day turn over a new leaf then you're a fool.
If you think that publicly mocking the class of your people and that every Black Man and Black Woman is a diplomat of their race then you're a fool. If talking in broken English and not living up to the standards of the Black Middle Class or the wealthy is setting back race relations then what have Whites done as a whole to repair race relations? Why aren't they held accountable far as race relations go for 'Honey Booboo, Duck Dynasty, mass shootings, the largest Holocaust that started this nation, the continuing hijacking and hoarding of the world's natural resources while they leave the people of those countries they rob in economic and social disarray or the money spent in carrying out such acts of terror around the world?
Are these people that you really want to be cool with or to one day develop a trusting friendship?
If you want to be an inspiration to your people then lead by example. Start your own career where you are a financially independent person without having to sing, dance, throw a ball, run or fight in some modern day Mandingo gladiator sport.
Understand one thing. None of these racists really want to see you succeed as a whole. Your success was not then, not now and never will be in the Blue Print of America. While you are dumb enough to go to the polls and think that some White Man that represent the same government that put you where you are is going to rescue you from where you are is as dumb as a rape victim expecting a rapist to stop simply because he is told to stop.
The exploitation of yourself and your offspring is not a plan that they can afford to end. They need someone to fill the spots at slave chain restaurants like McDonalds and Taco Bell. They need people to join the military voluntarily where before integration (when we had our own financial power structures that created our own economic opportunities) our kids had to have been drafted. They need people to be verbal punching bags in these semi-professional positions that the only requirement is a high school diploma and a clean background check prior to having urine sifted. They need people whose dicks get hard when they hear $16-$20 an hour without even worrying about the dangerous working conditions, health hazards nor the instability of long-term employment in these textile and manufacturing plants.
These are opportunities that most Blacks beg for and these same opportunities are the driving force of this nation as it exist today. There are no college educated White kids that are applying for such positions and calling a job offer in one of these positions a blessing from god. Even their god is different from yours.
Wake up Black Man and Black Woman of America. You're only exploitable because you allow yourselves to be. A racist will hate you regardless of what you do and how you do it. The only good graces that you have to be in are the ones of YOURSELF!
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