In America none of us especially Black People have time nor the energy to invest in some ballgame. It is downright infuriating to hear so many Black People put so much emphasis on something as simple as a ballgame while their families are being torn apart by systematic racial prejudice, drugs being pushed into and in their communities, their youths are primed as candidates for low skilled labor on the workforce or military, their women are being disrespected on a commercial level while their offspring is being murdered like dogs in the street.
Now anti-protesters are bringing a little bit of ugly truth of which I can agree with when they say that these men are nothing more than overpaid assholes. Where I don't agree in the spirits that they deliver the truth, I will say that I am delighted in the exposure of the truth that many of Blacks have failed to see which is the value that they place on you at a personal level. Basically they are telling you, "Shut up Nigger and play ball." That's right, they have given a new spin on the political phrase, "play ball."
Big league sports in my opinion has always been on the same derogatory stage as tap dancing. Poor
Black athletes can rise out of the gutters of American ghettos, become famous and get rewarded with the concessions of exotic sports cars, luxurious homes, money to make it rain in the nightclub, alcohol to chase after themselves being that the first intoxication experienced is being drunk off of themselves but come Sunday afternoon and Monday night, their mission is to throw a ball, kick a ball and run a ball.
Black athletes can rise out of the gutters of American ghettos, become famous and get rewarded with the concessions of exotic sports cars, luxurious homes, money to make it rain in the nightclub, alcohol to chase after themselves being that the first intoxication experienced is being drunk off of themselves but come Sunday afternoon and Monday night, their mission is to throw a ball, kick a ball and run a ball.
In a certain sense, Black athletes are treated in equivalence to the Black Rock & Roll stars of old. They are out there taking the hits, performing well and getting paid handsomely but the people that sign their checks only tend to the profit and not the well being of their cattle.
In this case we're going to talk about the mental well being since the we all can tell the physical well being is one of rapid decay.
The NFL athletes are 70% Black athletes. These same athletes that are displayed under media imposed delusions of grandeur are also the same PEOPLE that without an NFL contract would be looked upon as the drudgery of Western Civilization simply because their skin is dark and their pockets would be empty at worst and working class at best.
These same athletes would be the ones that you'd fear of meeting in a dark alley and they wouldn't even be thinking of your existence until they hear the locking of your doors as they walked by your motor vehicle on a public street.
Basically what they are telling the athletes translates in coded language as this..."You shouldn't feel the need to protests. We made you and paid you. You're one of us now. You are experiencing the greatness of a country that has allowed you to play ball and make all of your dreams come true in your financial lives. You are one of the good ones now. You are not Trayvon Martin or Philando Castille. The only Black Life that matters is YOURS. You are not the many of Black People that suffer under the tyranny of our systematic policies nor are you targeted by or to become one of our millionaire mercenaries that keeps the gravity over the situation of your people. Now please hush up, take this ball and earn your pay. Keep your people distracted by sports and let's not have this talk again."
Now here is a future prediction. Americans have short term memory. Just be patient for all of you who are anti-protesters. This will blow over soon. Next year there will still be the same entertainment of Blacks being murdered in the streets by police officers and injustice in our courts, more Blacks will be in prison and you get to chit chat at the water cooler in your office about sports stats with your Black co-workers who will buy back all of the memorabilia that they've burnt this year.
I personally voted for Trump. The reason why is because I knew that America needed a wake up call and the only one who was dumb enough to put the blatant hatred out there is Donald Trump. I knew that the only one that would make Americans get the balls to take a stance is someone who will let you know the situation versus another puppet that will tell you that everything is fine. This man is putting it out there in bold print that this country's engine is in the serious need of an overhaul.
This is where I call out to Americans to see what is the next move. Will we just protest or will we have a plan together to kick the people out of the office and make America the country that is for the people and by the people? Will we ever be able to make America that gives us more options than a slick talking hillbilly or a racist jester, I meant Jet setter? Um, I really meant jet setter.
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