Recently I seen where a Florida Teen tossed an elderly woman
into a swimming pool during a party where Black teens were gathered. The video
went viral and just like any viral video there is always a plethora of comments
leading from extreme racism from the White side and house-nigger apologetic
views from the Black side. The biggest
mistake is making this video a racial issue at all.
In no way, shape, form or fashion am I defending the stance
of that teenager who forcefully picked the woman up, dropped her due to his
clumsiness before picking her up and throwing her into the pool with her dogs.
In my opinion when he dropped her, he should’ve checked on her well-being and
the prank should’ve been over before tossing her into the pool without checking
on her physical condition. He should’ve never put hands on the woman in the
first place to be honest.
Some of the comments that I’ve read on this video were from
racists stating that Blacks are animals and fatherless followers of Black
counter-culture that makes them behave this way. Other comments were from apologetic
Blacks stating that they were ashamed of their people when they act this way.
Subtracting race from the equation I just say that they were just a bunch of
mischievous teenagers doing their mischief.
Some racists would say that if it was White teens throwing a
Black Woman into the pool then there would be a slew of media reports, riots,
protests, boycotts etc. However, I say that if it was a group of White teens
that had done this to a White woman then it probably wouldn’t have went further
than some popular kid’s Facebook page. It would’ve been simply laughed off as
some teen prank.
We all know what happens during White frat parties don’t we? Have we forgot about where the jokes of date rape drugs, hazing, vandalization of vehicles and buildings after a team loses a game & forced orgies come into play on college campuses across the continent? Yet, are these White frat boys looked upon as fatherless animals that submit to some sort of counter culture? Trust and believe they listen to rap music and appreciate drugs and alcohol just as much as any inner-city teen.
You never hear of any White people publicly announcing shame
in their race when they are caught on camera under the influence of drugs and
alcohol where they are throwing each other into swimming pools, physically
assaulting each other and in worst cases having sex with a woman who is too far
gone to even realize what is happening to her…all in the name of fun.
Do you ever hear Whites bellyaching with racially loaded
complaints about their own people when houses are getting decorated with eggs
and toilet paper & mailboxes are getting smashed on Halloween night?
So to You tap dancing, cooning ass, self-hating Uncle Tom negroes
out there stating that you are ashamed to see your people act this way, shut
the fuck up. You really believe that such mischievous behavior in the Black
race is really the issue that draws the division line in race relations? Poor
behavior even in the lower class of our race justifies the brutal murder of our
people that goes unpunished by police officers and wannabe police officers? And
for those of you who will dare to bring up Black on Black crime at the least to
justify bad race relations, do we scoff after referring to the White race when
biker gangs are caught on camera battling it out with high powered firearms
among each other and the police in a wild west style shootout? Do we scream
White counter culture or refer to the whole race as White Trash when shows like
‘Honey Booboo’ makes you laugh and ‘Sons of Anarchy’ kept your attention for
several years?
Let’s stop tap dancing around the issue and call this
situation out for what it really is! The only reason that these Black teens are
seen as thugs and criminals at this party isn’t because they were just partying
and having a good time nor was it because they tossed the woman into the pool.
The mind frame in America is that we are to submit to White authority and these
teens openly gave that plantation state a mind a big ‘fiddle faddle fuck you.’
Keep in mind that there is a different code of ethics expected out of Blacks than there are of Whites. White teens are openly rebellious and their counter-culture pretty much popularized Rock and Roll Music in their race until it became a social norm. When Blacks are rebellious they are a threat to society. Whites are taught to defend their freedom with violence and even established a country that way. Do you see White parents taking their kids to church when they are getting bullied? Fuck no! They are going to see a boxing coach at a gym or a Sensei at a dojo.
So as far as calling the teens ghetto…what would you call
that woman who was living in the same apartment complex with them or even the
host of that party? Would not usually she would be considered as White Trash
for being a resident where that many Blacks lived? I’m sure that these people
didn’t just walk into the apartment complex and decided to take a dip in a pool
where they were not invited by a resident if they weren’t residents there
Before she went barking orders of turning the music down
they have a number that you can call for that and for those that don’t know the
number it is 9-1-1. However, isn’t it a rule of thumb that if there is a party
in a residential area that it Is only rude when you play your music loud after
9:00 PM?
No, this wasn’t an incident that race should’ve been brought
in at all but I will say this is the story of a busybody who took the risk that
each and every one of us takes when we walk up to a complete stranger trying to
invoke authority over them.
Should the teen be
punished? Absolutely being that there was no reason for him to have put hands
on her in the first place. Keep in mind that this assault was not a hate crime. There was no evidence of hatred but merely a prank gone bad by some teen who is about to learn a valuable life lesson.
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