I recently was thumbing through Facebook and seen an article where a child was considered brave for dressing in drag. What the hell have we become as a nation and as a people when this is considered brave?
The NFL which faces attacks from both sides for the recent protests are now celebrating male cheerleaders parading as women. This is just plain disgusting. If Kapernick was protesting for the rights of gays in this nation then I would bet that the leftist agenda would push it so strongly that it would muffle the protests from the right.
Can we not see where the liberals have taken it a step further past the abortion clinic for the demise of Black masculinity which is a threat to their power structure? Think about it for a minute. I'm sure that every single one of us can agree that the strength of a Nation and any race of people in that nation starts with the domestic government.
When the nuclear family is broken let's examine two things that happen. The first thing is that the resources that are meant to gain wealth as a family are squandered when they are split. This means that a man cannot fully support his family when he's away from home and the roles are reversed. While the man is paying child support and alimony there is no way that he can be in full agreements with the woman (who usually raises the kids alone or with the help of a paramour) that can truly invest in the future of the children. Any hopes of building wealth for the future are destroyed by such divisions in the wealth.
The second thing is that there is no strong head of household to govern accordingly. This starts a cycle of future broken families. It is few and far between that people graduate from the welfare cycle. You know this and I know this. Bad habits of household governing are learned on this liberal welfare treadmill.
It started with the women. You would see women holding hands and grinding (sexually dancing) with each other at nightclubs in order to get male attention.
Two taboo topics in the workplace is politics and religion yet the workplace is open to have rainbow flags posted on the walls of their establishments to show how gay friendly that their businesses are. Speak against your morals on that subject whether they be backed up by biblical scripture or just plain old fashion disgust and you will find yourself looking for new employment opportunities.
So let's be honest with ourselves for a second. What good comes from pushing the LGBT agenda? I mean we know that they exist. We know that the mistreatment of members of the LGBT community is punishable by unemployment. We know that police officers are not targeting members of the LGBT community nor are there any real threats to people of that community other than them being offended when you say words such as 'faggot' or 'queer.' I'm sure if names were all that any other protected group was worried about then there wouldn't be such a brouhaha of topics whenever they arise.
It seems that Black Women in modern times for the most are accepting of gay Black Men than they are of straight Black Men. Their intolerance of straight Black men is reflected in their choice of music that is marketed to them and any man hating Tyler Perry movie released. Being that mostly Black women are the single head of households, this is what makes the children such an easy target for perverse assimilation. Meaning that I don't know any self-respecting man of any race that would allow his children to attend a school at Kindergarten age where they are introduced to perversion. Yes, I said it....PERVERSION!
There is no way that I want my sons to understand what it is like to be a lady to the point where I will give them the choice to identify themselves as a bitch! No self respecting woman should want their daughters to want to identify with a dude to the point where they are given a choice to identify themselves as a dude.
Personally I would beat a man's ass who tried to even have such a talk with my sons in that fashion. You can call it gay bashing but I call it beating the shit out of a pervert.
This is just another masked attack on the Black Family to further fuck up our community. Now they are hitting below the belt by introducing that bullshit to our children cloaking it as equality. Let's call it what it is...A SICKNESS!
Only a sick person would want to identify themselves as something that they are not. Only a mentally ill person would be so delusional to justify their want to be something that they are not. If I went to a doctor and told them to bleach my skin, straighten my hair, fold my eyelids and purposely left out consonant clusters in my speech because I want to identify as Asian; I would be put in a place where I can't hurt myself.
Yet a man can ask that same doctor to be given tits, have his dick severed, given hormone pills to forge everything nature made him and he's supposed to be seen as sane to the point where it is considered a social normality?
While they are telling your kids that they have a choice to be whatever they want to be, do they tell you the bullshit that they had to go through to be that way? I dealt x in the nineties and my clientele were mostly people of the LGBT community mainly drag queens. Most of them told me stories that involved child molestation in their youths. See the pattern?
Yeah, I'm called closed minded because I don't want to open my mind to perversion nor pedophilia. Yes, I said pedophilia because there is no reason to impose sexuality on a young man nor say that it is okay for a grown man who identifies himself as a woman to use a bathroom with a natural little girl. If that's the case then let's make all bathrooms coed.
Not just public bathrooms but prisons, military barracks and college dorms as well.
As far as being the little boy being brave for withstanding the bullying that goes on in schools? Well, people get bullied for more reasons than being queer. They get bullied more for being poor, overweight, handicapped, not attractive, not athletic, being too athletic, intelligent and the list goes on. Guess what! Queers hang in the same social circles as the ones that do the bullying! They are the ones with the access to the popular girls who are linked to the popular boys. They are for the most very talented in the way that they mock others and are vocal about who they like and dislike.
If a child is bullied in school because they are gay then best believe that they are poor and gay, overweight and gay, ugly and gay, unpopular and gay or suspected of being gay with the aforementioned prefixes. These same superficial cliques of gay and straights in schools are the same cliques that you see in the office workforce but now the stakes are higher. In school they can just hurt your feelings. In the workforce they can hurt your finances if you just so happen to look at them the wrong way.
The reason that I chose to pursuit My Dreams and work for Myself is so that I am not at the mercy of such bullshit. Entrepreneurship is what We should be teaching our kids and not praising them for how cute some pervert may find them for wearing stilettos and a skirt.