Some people may find this title
disturbing and sacrilegious for the fact that it denounces what most of you
hold to be the purest entity in their lives. I used to be comforted by the
thoughts of reuniting with lost loved ones in the afterlife. I too used to
tremble at the thought of lightening striking Me Black ass dead if I got some
man upstairs angry and would even become frightened at the thought of this
boogie man called the devil.
I remember gloating on the
shortcomings of non-believers as I was mentally conditioned to think that their
hardships were caused by their lack of faith, belief and anti-Christian ways. I
remember having extreme disdain for people that would question my faith and
would often feel right in ridiculing them.
You couldn’t reach Me. I was
under the spell where I suffered from delusions of superstition that if
anything good happened in My life then God is good but for any short comings
then the Devil is busy. Yeah, I used to believe that I was caught in the
crossfire between God and the Devil.
Then one day I had to grow up. Not
that I lost My religion but for the simple reason is that I had to use
something that My Creator had given Me which is called My brain.